Now you will have mental clarity and desire to communicate. Take advantage of the initial energy that the New Moon brings you to meet like-minded people. You will also be interested in art, either by taking a course or attending galleries and exhibitions.


love horoscope for Leo

Your romantic life is turbulent and full of misunderstandings. Be careful when giving opinions, not everyone appreciates your direct approach. They may misunderstand your comments as being arrogant and selfish. Remain calm and objective when making claims and trying to blame someone.


Money horoscope for Leo

Make use of your current decisive mood and continue with your new financial projects, they may be worthwhile. It may be something you wanted for a long time, a spontaneous purchase or a long-term investment. You have that winning touch, particularly because you can trust more than usual in your bank advisor and friends. Other people recognize that you have worked hard for your money and will handle it carefully.


Sex Horoscope for Leo

You and your partner can’t help but have more of each other and it shows. There will be no dull moments, not in bed or anywhere else. Do you feel like doing a group of three? Tell your partner about your secret fantasy, they might want to do it too and be surprised with who they suggest to tempt you!

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