Compounds that are transported through the blood can be released through the sweat glands, causing unpleasant odors from both the armpits and the skin. Dr. Madeleine S. Deming, an internal medicine expert at the NIH Clinical Center, explains that “it is normal for stress to cause smelly compounds to be released through sweat.”

Despite this, the National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH, for its acronym in English) point out that the armpits can smell bad for other reasons, since both moisture and body hair allow bacteria to grow and these they can create smelly compounds.

“It can be considered a test to avoid foods that are known to cause body odor. In rare cases of body odor due to an underlying medical condition, treating that condition can also help control odor, ”Deming says.

The bad smell that occurs in the armpits is known as axillary bromhidrosis. “It refers to the bad body odor that is common in the adolescent population associated with the development of puberty and that is more frequently observed in the armpits. It is more common in the black race and it has been suggested that hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating – worsens this situation ”, explains doctor Paola Andrea Torres of the Colombian Association of Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery.


Compounds that are transported through the blood can be released through the sweat glands, causing unpleasant odors from both the armpits and the skin.

Bathing, shaving, using deodorant and changing clothes on a daily basis are some of the recommendations that experts make to keep these smells under control. Along with these tips, there are also home remedies you can make to get rid of underarm odor, such as:


Lemon helps to eliminate bad odors and to clarify the armpits. To make use of this fruit, cut a lemon in half and squeeze one of the parts into a container. Make sure to wash that area very well and dry it very well, without leaving any trace of moisture. Then, take a cotton ball, dip it in the lemon juice and proceed to apply it to the skin of the armpits.

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is made by combining molecules of carbon, sodium, hydrogen, and oxygen, whose formula is NaHCO₃ and is also known as bicarbonate of soda, vichy salt, sodium hydrogen carbonate, and acid soda carbonate. It is white in color with a crystalline texture, and it comes from a mineral known as natron.

It is a compound with multiple benefits for the body, among which it stands out to eliminate the bad smell. To use this element, first make sure to wash the armpits very well with mild soap and then dry them completely, without leaving any damp areas. With the help of a cotton ball, take a little baking soda and apply it to the armpits, and let the product act.


Sodium bicarbonate has multiple benefits for the body, among which it stands out to eliminate the bad smell.

There is another recipe that can help you: to prepare it, you will only need three tablespoons of baking soda with two teaspoons of lemon juice , which you must mix very well and then apply the mixture to the armpits, gently massaging the area. Leave it to act for 10 minutes and then remove it with plenty of water. This recipe, in addition to helping you eliminate the bad smell in the armpits, also allows you to lighten the skin in that place.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is known as a natural deodorant. To make use of this plant, extract the pulp and make it into a paste, until it is a gel. This material should be applied to the armpits as soon as you shower in the morning and before going to bed, let it work throughout the day and all night. To see results, you must apply the gel for at least one week at a time.


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