“I want the world to see my art”: Google fulfills the wish of a girl killed in Texas shooting
Alithia Haven Ramirez was one of the victims of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
10-year-old Alithia Ramírez was killed in the Texas shooting, and to commemorate her, Google decided to showcase her art on a special page to the world.
Google will fulfill the last wish of Alithia Haven Ramírez , a 10-year-old girl who was killed during the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas . The little girl wanted to be a recognized artist who would share her works with the whole world and for that reason she applied to the “Doodle for Google” contest with the intention that her drawing be seen by everyone on the main page of the seeker.
In early 2022, the technology firm asked students from across the United States to submit proposals for the 14th edition of its contest, which rewards the winner with great prizes such as university scholarships, technology packages and, above all, recognizes the Place your work in place of the Google logo for 24 hours on your search engine’s website.
Before the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas occurred, Alithia managed to submit one of her drawings to the contest by the March deadline: a girl on a sofa with two balls of yarn and a mascot with the Google logo on the wall above her. the sofa, one of the requirements for the image to be eligible in this competition.
“ I want the world to see my art and show the world what I can do, I want people to be happy when they see my passion in art” , is what the minor said in the presentation of her proposal for the contest.
Google will commemorate Alithia Ramírez
The 14th edition of “Doodle for Google” had as judges the actress and singer Selena Gomez , Elyse Fox , mental health activist, and the teacher of the year 2021 Juliana Urtubey . These authorities had to choose between 54 state and territorial winners to find the five finalists and it will be Google users who will be in charge of determining the winner on July 28 .
Although little Alithia Ramírez did not make it to the final round of the competition, Google decided to highlight her work on its own special web page , which was created for her and the rest of the victims of the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. , where a gunman opened fire at Robb Elementary School , killing two adults and 19 children, including the girl.
“In Alithia Ramírez ‘s 2022 Doodle for Google presentation , she described her desire to show the world her art and all that she can do, and we are committed to honoring those wishes and her legacy. Her story and her art have moved us deeply, and we wanted to honor her family’s request to share her unique talent, which was so tragically taken from her as a result of senseless violence,” Colette notes. Garcia , Google spokesperson.
Remembering Alithia Ramírez
Ryan Ramírez , father of the deceased minor, told CNN that 12 hours passed before he learned of his daughter’s fate. Ramírez said that her daughter was “very adorable and kind” and that she was always there if someone needed her. “She always had a crayon in her hand, giving her all ,” said the father, recalling her daughter’s passion for art.
“She was a very talented girl. She loved to draw. She was very sweet, she never got into trouble. She drew so she could put her drawing on Google. She was trying to win the Google (contest),” Rosa María Ramírez , Alithia ‘s grandmother told.