One of the main doubts that many students have when defining your professional future is related to the choice of college. Now, the CYD Foundation (Knowledge and Development) has presented the results of lto the eighth edition of its ranking, which evaluates different spheres of Spanish faculties.

Specifically, 27 areas of knowledge and 2,998 degrees have been analyzed. The participating centers represent 89.5% of the 86 who teach degree IIncluded in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Titles. From them, 48 are public and 29 private.

The measured indicators have been the following:

Performance order

Autonomous of Barcelona
Autonomous of Madrid
Pompeu Fabra
Carlos III of Madrid
Ramón Llull
Pontificia Comillas
Rovira i Virgili
Polytechnic of Catalonia
International of Catalonia
Mondragon University
Valencia – General Study

By areas

Universities are analyzed based on five major indicators:

Teaching and Learning

Autonomous of Madrid
Pontificia Comillas
Francisco de Vitoria
Pontifical of Salamanca
Catholic of Valencia Saint Vincent Martyr
ESIC University


Santiago de Compostela
Pompeu Fabra
Polytechnic of Valencia

Knowledge Transfer

Polytechnic of Catalonia
Autonomous of Barcelona
Rovira i Virgili
Carlos III of Madrid
Polytechnic of Madrid

International orientation

Ramón Llull
Carlos III of Madrid
Autonomous of Barcelona
Pontificia Comillas

Contribution to regional development

Autonomous of Barcelona
Public of Navarra
The lagoon
International of Catalonia

Online world

As pointed out Francesc Solé, vice president of the CYD Foundation, “Utility is the condition that marks the quality of a ranking. If a ranking guides young people when choosing a degree at a given university, to help universities in decision-making and helps those responsible for university policy, meets this condition of utility “.

The research carried out is online, and allows to analyze centers by careers: “The ultimate goal is that universities can be compared by the students “, highlights Solé.

By autonomous communities

The five autonomies with the highest number of indicators of higher performance are: Navarra, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Madrid and the Valencian Community.

If they are measured the fields of knowledge, the most prominent communities are:

Teaching and learning: Navarra, the Basque Country, Aragon and Catalonia.
Investigation: Navarra, Cantabria and Catalonia.
Knowledge transfer: Valencian Community, Navarra and Catalonia.
International orientation: Navarra, Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque Country.
Contribution to regional development: Catalonia and the Basque Country, the Canary Islands and Andalusia.

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