Billions of dollars are stipulated to pay Los Angeles County, due to the high number of lawsuits sexual abuse who faces.
Those are astronomical numbers the county considered in its new budget after thousands of lawsuits were filed for this type of incident at children’s shelters, foster homes and juvenile detention centers.
The new budget of los angeles county recalls that these lawsuits for sexual abuse of minors could cost victims up to 3 billion dollars in compensation.
Tensions are rising in the Redlands School District after an investigation finds authorities were covering up sexual abuse cases.
“There are now numerous cases against the county. They estimated they were going to have over 3,000 cases,” said Cristina Nolan, an attorney at law firm Manly Stewart & Finaldi.
These legal claims have arisen over the past 3 years, as a result of a state law that increased the age limit for making legal claims. This allowed victims over the age of 40 to sue institutions that did not protect them when they were minors.
“This new law has given these girls who are already women ample opportunity to sue the county for the abuse they have suffered,” said Michael Carrillo of the Carrillo Law Firm.
The sexual abuse was allegedly committed against youths and children in juvenile detention centers, children’s homes, and even foster homes under the guardianship of Angelino County.
A systematic problem, they say, is related to poor supervision.
“There was no supervision, the guards did what they wanted with the girls from 12 to 18,” Carrillo said.
A Pasadena middle school teacher has been arrested on campus accused of sexually abusing one of his students.
Victims’ complaints were in some cases dismissed or covered up, say plaintiffs’ lawyers
“Instead of reporting, saying something to get these people out, they didn’t do anything, and because of that they could abuse for years,” Nolan said.
The number of lawsuits against Los Angeles County is much higher compared to counties like Orange and Riverside, where only 9 to 13 such claims.
“We represent 90 victims and we really believe there are many more,” Nolan said.
Attorney Carrillo points out that Los Angeles County has many more cases due to the number of jails in its jurisdiction. The new law allowed them to increase and justice was served for minors who suffered abuse.
Telemundo 52 has contacted Los Angeles County spokespersons. Because some abuse has occurred at Department of Family and Children’s (DCFS) centers, that department has been the only one to respond so far, with a message.
“DCFS does not tolerate employee misconduct and enforces discipline, including termination when warranted, to protect the children in its care.”