For many months now, the manga of “Berserk“Even with the death of its author Kentaro Miura, it has continued to offer new chapters to its fans. The dark story of Guts advances, admittedly little by little, but it advances. However, it must be said that this time there has been extremely positive news for fans of the franchise, as The release date of a chapter 373 of the manga has already been revealed and it will not be long..

Berserk manga presses the accelerator: chapter 373 already has a release date

Then I leave you with the details that collected MangaMogura about the premiere of the new manga chapter “Berserk”:

  • As confirmed, It will be during May 26, 2023 that chapter 373 of the manga Berserk will be officially released..
  • Like the rest of the content, the chapter in question will be published via Young Animal magazine. In this case, we’re talking volume 11 of the magazine so far in fiscal year 2023.
These next few weeks will be very positive for fans of the Berserk manga.
  • You have to remember Berserk Manga Chapter 372 Releases April 26th, so really we find the positive scenario that there is not a single month of distance between the two versions.
  • Will this publication rate be maintained for future chapters of the Berserk manga? preferably notWell, after all, it’s been more than proven that this franchise requires time to reach the proper quality standards that Kentarou Miura was consistently delivering back then. However, it is good to know that from time to time, Mori-sensei and Studio Gaga can give joys as TOP as these.

The truth is that the past few weeks have consistently left positive news for “Berserk” fans. It was recently confirmed that this same volume 42 of the manga in 2023 would be releasedwhich would be accompanied by a spectacular bust in the cases of the special edition of the same. For some reason, it seems that the publication of the “Berserk” manga is currently in the best state for a long time, so it’s better not to wonder why and enjoy what’s to come.

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