Everything seems to indicate that the public channel has relied heavily on The promise, the series created by Bambú Producciones, which in just four months on the air has managed to raise an entire army of fans with its innovative plots, unexpected twists and lots and lots of mystery. These are surely some of the ingredients that ended up holding the public every afternoon in front of the television.
And it is that since its inception last January, it has recorded successes in all its chapters, since it has managed to hook the public in a short time. So it’s like that, like the fiction of The promise becomes the leader of its time slot reaching record up to over a million viewers every night. This figure seems to be increasing day by day, since fewer and fewer can resist the stories of love and heartbreak, the dark past of certain characters and the tensions that arise in the various rooms of the farm.
For this reason, it is not surprising that public broadcaster fiction incorporates new characters into its plot who further complicate the entanglements between the staff of The promise. Precisely, this Thursday, April 20, all the employees are preparing to receive an unexpected visit, which will revolutionize everything and put one of the characters in a dangerous situation. Something that we already anticipated in the weekly progress of the fiction of La 1 de TVE.
The unexpected visit in The Promise. / RTVE / Bamboo Productions
It is neither more nor less than warp sergeant, which has already been seen in some chapters trying to bring order to The Promise. A few weeks ago, we could see him leading the investigation to find clues about the fate of Barón, after his disappearance. The soldier, fulfilling his mission, came to question the entire staff of The Promise, although without much success. Now he returns to the farm, but for a very different challenge and recommended by Alonso himself.
Sergeant Funes will face a new mission in this Thursday’s episode: discover the past of Don Camilo and Confirm whether you work for someone or not. However, what the sergeant doesn’t count on is that the priest is much faster than him, because he has his own plan and won’t get caught so easily.
Will Sergeant Funes be able to discover the whole truth about Don Camilo? And what better, will he be able to track him down before he orchestrates his plan B? We will leave doubts in a few hours.
And you, are you also addicted to this series?