As PlayStation announces an even more powerful version of PlayStation 5, we have this amazing design

The PlayStation 5 has been on everyone’s lips for the past few days, and not precisely because a new exclusive game came out that blew it away, but because many rumors are surfacing about the PS5 Slim. And to this is added that It was leaked that they are making a new handheld console, the first since PS Vita.

So the PS5 Pro is also a concept that has resonated with many fans, something that has surely sony Also keep in your future projects. Therefore, we bring you something very special today.

This design shows what we can expect from the PS5 Pro

Then I leave you the image with the renewed design of the console, and so you can see what it can be a clear preview of what the Pro version of PlayStation 5 will look like. You have here!

  • As you can see, the design is faithful to the original PlayStation 5 version but bringing new nuances so that we can see that it is a Pro version
  • In fact, you can see that it is completely symmetrical, both from the side and from the front
  • Even so, it still retains the features of the original design such as base down oh the lights in the central area of ​​the console
  • What do you think of this design? Leave it to me in the comments!

Everything we know about the PS5 Pro so far

General informations

Always, sony He hasn’t officially said anything about a Pro version of the PS5, since they should launch a Slim version first. What is clear is that, in case they pull it (which is very likely since it was a success on PS4), it will feature a renewed design of the original console, in addition to even more power which most likely guarantees 4K and 60 FPS at the same time in almost all games.

Release date

There is also no official information about the release date, but it is very likely that released 3 years before the release of the PS6. This one should be out in 2027, barring any surprises, so The end of 2024 would be the most optimal for the release of a PS5 Pro, with four years of generation already behind them.

announcement date

This will be in line with the release date. If it comes out at the end of 2024, then surely is announced around summer 2024, in a likely PlayStation Showcase that takes place in the months of June and July.


The price is also a mystery, but I would bet that it will be worth 100 euros more than the PS5 at its debut, so I think it will be worth 600 euros. The PS4 Pro was also $100 more than the PS4 when it was released, so if they follow the same pattern it will cost $500-600.

*The design shown is an edition made by a professional exclusively for Areajugones and for the use of the image by third parties, prior authorization will be required.

About the PS5 Slim

In Areajugones we also had an exclusive a design of what the PS5 Slim will look like, that you can see through this link.

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