Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves and Tin & Tina, among the most notable cinematic releases of the week
A very special weekend of film premieres awaits us from March 31 to April 2, 2023. Firstly because it begins Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves, one of the most anticipated films of the year. Second, to be able to enjoy a surprise as it is vicious bear (He just swept the world with almost $100 million raised). And third, for the release of one of the best early films I can remember, Tin and Tina. What other firsts will there be this week?
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves
One of the big surprises of 2023 is Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves. Although I have already told you too much in their respective reviews, I assure you that you are not prepared for the spiritual successor of guardians of the galaxy, but set in a medieval fantasy like no other. I hope it succeeds and it’s the start of a new franchise.
vicious bear
Who doesn’t love a movie about a bear getting high on cocaine? It’s the crazy premise of vicious bear, a B-movie that has taken America by storm and promises to do the same in our country. Don’t expect a masterpiece: simply a project to enjoy at the cinema with a good bowl of popcorn and a soft drink.
the empire of light
Sam MendesDirector of Specter, Skyfall there 1917back to the movies with the empire of lightromantic drama set in the 80s and starring Olivia ColmanMichael Ward there Colin Firth. Its cast is arguably its biggest draw, because deep down it feels like such a classic film that it puts off viewers who crave something more modern.
Tin and Tina
The big Spanish premiere of the week is Tin & Tina, a film that oscillates between psychological thriller, terror and black comedy. However, as I told you in his review, It’s a brilliant tape due to its ability to manage and disturb the viewer. Without a doubt, one of the first surprises of 2023, especially for those who were not expecting it.
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