These two great games and many more are available for free throughout this weekend

I’m glad it’s Friday already, because I can tell you about all the free games available this weekend, Not that they are exactly few. Besides, that there are many very good ones, so be very careful!

It is important to mention that I will not include PS Plus Extra or Xbox Game Pass games, so if you’re subscribed to those services I recommend you take a look at the games that have been added in the last month (in the case of PlayStation it stands out for example Forbidden Horizon West). That being said, I won’t get involved anymore and I’ll leave you the complete list of free games:

Weekend Free Games (March 10-12)

Resident Evil 4 Remake (demo)

Well yes you can play now to the Resident Evil 4 Remake demo, It will be released on March 24. So get started, even if it’s short, it’s very good!

Dead in broad daylight

I thought that Dead in broad daylight It was fun to play with friends, but it wasn’t that successful. And I couldn’t be more wrong, ’cause I kept seeing to many people who play the title thoroughly and that’s why they keep putting content there. SO I recommend you try it with friends this weekend.

Jall weekend free games



Xbox One

Xbox series


And although I haven’t talked about them, it is also worth mentioning services such as PS Plus Premium or Xbox Game Pass, where you will find an infinite number of titles to try completely free of charge if you are a subscriber. Of course, there are also plenty of demos to try out, so if you’re not interested in one of these games, you can always try one of these other options!

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