In the case of CuzcoSutran detailed that traffic remains disrupted in the Longitudinal of the Southern Sierra at kilometer 1076 (whose location is Cusco-Canchis-Combapata), as well as at kilometer 104 (location Cusco-Canchis-Tinta) and at kilometer 1102 (Cusco-Seven-Sicuani location).
In A lot of, the blockade is maintained at various points of the Longitudinal of the Sierra Sur, at the height of kilometers 1183, Santa Rosa (Melgar); kilometer 1294 Calapuja (Lampa); Paucarcolla, Puno: kilometer 1380 Chucuito: 1387, Platería; 1391, Acorus; 1409 and 1414, key (Collao); 1450 July (Chucuito); 1463 Pomata (Chucuito).