Because the political crisis has no when to end in the Peruthe picture of Congress of the Republic continues to deteriorate in public opinion. And it seems that it doesn’t matter to the 130 members who have participated in the last few days in the so-called “representation week”.
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The President of the Constitutional Commission also reiterated that there are certain political groups which do not want to leave despite the clamor of the population. He mentioned that he was not responsible for the lack of consensus and ruled out resigning from his current position.
According to a survey of Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP)published today in the newspaper The Republic, 90% of Peruvians reject the work done by Parliament. That’s a one-point increase from January. In the decomposition of the figure, in the macro-zones of the the south (95%), the center (90%), the north (89%) and Lima (89%) the rejection is concentrated.
While parliamentary approval reaches 6%. In detail, only the capital gives 8% legitimacy to Congress. Finally, 4% do not wish to give their opinion on the painful role played by the so-called ‘Founding fathers’ before the country.
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The Nobel Prize for Literature considered that the President of the Republic exercises the function in a “very rewarding way”. He pointed out that his current behavior, such as calling for a violent repressive policy against protests, is supported by Peruvians.
As if that weren’t enough, the IEP study also asks what will happen to the the advancement of the general elections for this 2023. As we know, the national representation failed three times to approve the process and thus reassure the country. However, they got nothing and sent the case back to March at the beginning of the second legislature for the period 2022-2023.
33% of Peruvians consider that lawmakers will stay until 2026 to complete the five-year term for which they were elected two years ago at the polls. In this way, they would stick to their positions as proposed by the bench of popular revival with the admiral Jorge Montoya in the head.
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The institution has registered the death of 60 citizens so far in the government of Dina Boluarte
For their part, 28% of those consulted still hope that the 130 parliamentarians will approve the advance this year, which is very complicated given that the deadlines set by the National Jury of Elections are shortened and it would be a daunting task for the National Office of Electoral Processes.
Meanwhile, 24% mentioned that it is more likely that new elections will take place next year. Finally, 15% did not want to give their opinion on what Parliament should do in this time of crisis and polarization.
Although the negative perception of members of Congress is indisputable, they strive to play in more scandals. The past week has been marked by a controversy over the high expenses for daily food.
According to a Sunday program report Fourth powerthere is an inversion of S/80 soles for every legislator.
In summary, during Plenary sessions, the Legislature spends 190 soles per person for food (lunch and dinner), so that in a single day of official activities and events, a disbursement of 25,000 S/s is incurred.
The situation has degenerated to such an extent that several members of congress They spoke on the subject to try to explain to the public and justify the situation. Instead of conveying a conciliatory message in their remarks, some chose to come out with incredible sentences which provoked even more indignation.
“Whoever wants to eat eats well. All Peruvians have the right to eat rich. (What do you think they have a buffet now?) Well, not now, for a few months now, yes. The truth is that I hadn’t even thought about it (if it’s an unnecessary change), I’m not one to eat that much either. buffet or regular plate. There are many times I don’t eat here,” the MP said. Patricia Chirinosfrom Avanza País, in Cuarto Poder.
However, the statement that caused the most unease and discomfort in the population was that of the Popular Renewal MP, Jorge Montoyawho have not hesitated to defend that they want to eat “the best of the best”.
“What you’re looking for when making a deal is to get the best of the best. They’re going to want us to eat alfalfa Surely,” he told reporters.
Because of this scandal, the bank of Democratic Peru introduced an initiative to regulate congressional spending. In this context, bill no. 4322 proposes to modify article 33 of the regulation of the Congress to “implement austerity measures in administrative expenditure (…) which make it possible to optimize public resources with efficiency and transparency”.