The altiplano border between Bolivia and Chile is one of the busiest (Reuters)

Chile will deploy its Armed forces In borders with Peru and Bolivia in an attempt to control the massive influx of migrants through steps not activated in these areas.

The government of Gabriel Boric broadcast the decree with the force of law that will allow the militarization with the aim of supporting the actions of the police in the control of immigration and security in the areas which have been overwhelmed by the illegal entry of people.

The decree establishes the legal framework within which the military can operate and details a series of steps ranging from identity checks to the use of force as a last resort.

The armed forces can request the documents of any person at the borders, search their luggage, clothing or vehicles whether there is a presumption that the person may commit a crime or misdemeanor or any indication that “allows us to infer that the person has an outstanding arrest warrant”.

Likewise, the decree establishes that uniformed agents must act according to the principles of “legality, necessity, proportionality, progressiveness and responsibility” and determines that before any action they must respect the duty of warning, avoid collateral damage and consider self-defense.

Chile will mobilize its armed forces on the borders with Peru and Bolivia to deal with the massive arrival of illegal immigrants (EFE)
Chile will mobilize its armed forces on the borders with Peru and Bolivia to deal with the massive arrival of illegal immigrants (EFE)

El texto establece que “antes de recurrir al uso de la fuerza o empleo del arma de fuego, se deben tomar todas las medidas razonables para disuadir a toda persona o grupo de cometer una agresión”, señalando varios pasos antes de recurrir al uso de armas of fire.

In the first place, They can use deterrents, such as deploying vehicles and armed military personnel to the area. If the person or group of people violating the boundary does not stop, the officers they may use other items such as smoke grenades, pepper spray, or tear gas.

The next step in the event of a refusal to pass an inspection is the use of non-lethal or riot control weapons, specifying that they cannot be fired at point-blank range or aimed directly at the face. If the threat persists, the decree states that the army can “prepare the firearm with the clear intention of using it”.

If none of these actions work, They could fire warning shots.

The possibility of using a firearm is however restricted “only in the event of a confrontation with persons who use or are about to use lethal weapons or endanger the lives of others”.

The deployment will begin on Monday. “We are going to visit some of the deployment sites next Monday, see how this work of the armed forces is going to be supported,” the interior minister said, Caroline Tohaon the measure that will initially be in effect for 90 days.

The agents will be mounted punctually in the regions of Arica and Parinacota, tarapaque there antofagastaas detailed in the decree issued by the government of Gabriel Boricand -if necessary- it can be extended with congressional approvalafter the first three months have elapsed.

Officers will carry out identity checks on those passing through the areas
Officers will carry out identity checks on those passing through the areas

According to the mayor of the municipality of Colchane, Javier Garciaat that time they reach Chile through irregular passages near 400 people every day.

In this regard, he pointed out that the country has registered a significant increase in immigrants from neighboring countries, mainly from Venezuelans.

mattress It is an Andean city that borders Bolivia and is the most used by foreigners to enter Chile. However, in recent years, dozens of people have died due to the dangers they are exposed to with these illegal operations. For their part, those who manage to reach the Chilean cities settle in tents and squares or even drift in search of help.

The measure, however, was not welcomed by the authorities of the region, who announced that it will not be effective in solving the immigration problem -even if yes to enhance security in the north of the country – and instead they called for other provisions to deal with this problem.

Local authorities have warned that the measure will not be effective in solving the immigration problem
Local authorities have warned that the measure will not be effective in solving the immigration problem

The governor of the region of Arica and Parinacota, Jorge Diazstated that it would be effective to establish parallel measurementsnail greater involvement of local communities there smooth communication with neighboring countries.

Decisions on this law “were again made more than 2,000 kilometers away from where the problem is”, so “the opinion of the regional authorities was not taken nor the feeling of how this could be materialize or be practiced”he said in an interview with what’s left of the day.

In this sense, he was disappointed with what was announced because, in reality, they hoped that the military could prevent entry into the country for irregular procedures and not to carry out checks which will be difficult to implement since – for the most part – they are people without papers.

“I think it will be very complex for the measure to work. I hope so, I have the greatest hope that it goes well, but it will be very complex from a practical point of view”he added.

Nearly 400 people enter Chile daily via a non-activated pass with Bolivia (EFE)
Nearly 400 people enter Chile daily via a non-activated pass with Bolivia (EFE)

He also warned of the opposite effect that the decree could have since, after registering the migrants, they will be detained and taken to a police station, where the search will take place. redirect processwhich points to “completely failed”.

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Chile will mobilize its armed forces on the borders with Peru and Bolivia to deal with the massive influx of immigrants

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