A year ago, the life of Will Smith changed overnight. More precisely in a second. The one who took the time to slap Chris Rock on stage at the 2022 Oscars and went around the world when it was televised and viralized on social media. The actor publicly apologized, received therapy and accepted the Hollywood Academy’s veto. 365 days later, he was finally able to laugh about the situation.
He did it through a video of ICT Tac which went viral like wildfire (he has 2 million views) thanks to his interpretation of what was said in a video from another tiktoker. Specifically @missmoneyworking who exposed a curious theory which the actor used to show another version of what happened after that day.
“It sounds crazy, but it will change your life, and by changing your life, I mean it will make your life so much more interesting and fun. Did you know that you can choose any object, look at it and ask what that he For example, you can take a pen and ask him how he sees you or what he thinks of you and you will get an answer in your mind from your intuition You can ask your car what it think of you. You can even ask the money what it thinks of you”, we hear in English in the video.
Meanwhile, Will Smith watches the video intently, glancing sideways at an object that appears to be next to him and which we see right at the end of the video: his Oscar. The same who won the Williams method that fateful night. What will the price of the performer think?
A rather ironic vision of what happened that night and which has gone around the world on several occasions. It seems the actor learned to laugh at the situation that was about to cost him his film career.
After his first role bringing the famous African-American slave to life under the orders of Antoine Fuqua, his next project will be the fourth installment of Bad Boys with his partner Martin Lawrence in what could be his resurgence at the box office.