Banished, confiscated and fugitives from justice declared the dictatorship of Ortega Murillo to 94 Nicaraguan exiles who raised their voices against the regime.

On the regime’s blacklist, there are priests, like Monsignor Silvio Baez, journalists, opponents, writers; such as Giconda Belli and Sergio Ramรญrez and human rights defenders.

โ€œWe feel that we are on a list of honor, we know that Nicaragua will be a Republic again, Nicaragua will be free and the convicts, the exiles will be the tyrants,โ€ says Arturo Mcfield, who is now on the new list. . of 94 exiles. , confiscated and fugitives from the Nicaraguan regime.

The United States has described the actions of the dictatorship as “deplorable”, while those who are now orphans of their homeland assure that the regime can never confiscate their civic struggle, their patriotic love and their dream of returning to their a free Nicaragua.

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