A socialization process from an early age will help cats better integrate into their surroundings (Dossier)

The bone cats have different personalities just like people, the reaction they will have to different experiences will depend on how their socialization process took place at the beginning of their life. Although the feline determines how much it likes to live with other people, there are certain strategies that could lead to it having a better time.

The doctor Stacy Eckmannfrom the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Texas A&Mexplained in a statement published in the digital gazette of the university institution, a series of recommendations that will help cats in “specific” procedures.

The detailed animal behavior specialist that there are cats that are introverted and extrovertedeach pet has a different personality, so in some way socialization will depend more on the feline than any other aspect.

Most Recommended for cats to adapt better to new environments, situations or sounds through gradual exposuredetailed Dr. Eckman. “This will ensure a more positive experience for cats and owners,” the academic explained in the statement.

Felines are more curious than other pets, these animals they need to know everything that is on their “territory”For this reason, it is common to see it in the most unexpected places possible.

Gradual socialization to new smells, noises, people or pets is most appropriate (freepik)
Gradual socialization to new smells, noises, people or pets is most appropriate (freepik)

When a new member of the family arrives, be it another animal or a person, the ideal is that the process happens gradually and slowlyexperiencing small encounters with those who will be part of your life will help you feel more comfortable with the changes.

by the senses, animals know the world around them. The bone smells, textures and flavors They help you identify everything that attracts you, which is why exploration is necessary when you arrive in a different place.

“Owners need to monitor their cats’ reactions to make sure they feel safe and aren’t overwhelmed,” she said. Eckman on the process of socialization. In the event that the cat begins to exhibit negative attitudes during exploration, the ideal would be to slow down the exploration or stop.

Cats have a very complex communication system that involves their entire body, from facial expressions to tail flapping, Eckman recommended that it is important to consult a veterinarian to identify the animal’s body language.

Cats know their surroundings through their senses (Getty Images)
Cats know their surroundings through their senses (Getty Images)

Getting cats used to without being in direct contact with the new person or animal is quite a challenge, especially when there is rejection of change. Dr. Eckman recommended placing cats in a separate space so that they can gradually get used to the new smells.

Although these types of approaches can be used at different stages of the animal’s life, Eckman explained that these details will generally be accepted by cats that have gone through a socialization process.

“He the best period of socialization is when they are young kittens, up to 12 weeks of age. If they are not exposed earlier, they become more fearful instead of accepting new environments,” explains the doctor from the American university.

The animal behavior specialist explained that each feline has a different level of socialization, there will be those who prefer to be close to others or to be in a quiet place without anyone bothering them. Eckman concluded that the most important thing will always be the animal’s comfort.


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