“Be More Vader” offers helpful, real-world advice from Darth Vader and the dark side of Star Wars for gaining confidence and succeeding in the world of work.

“Obi-Wan was waiting for you, finally we meet again. The circle is already complete. When I parted ways with you, I was just an apprentice now i am the teacher“, says the famous villain of star wars, dark Vadorto his former mentor, Obi Wan Kenobiduring their long-awaited reunion in the Disney+ series featuring Ewan McGregor.

For those who are righteous enter the world of work and their ambition dictates that as students they must surpass their teachersthe book Be more Vader offers helpful tips that will help you achieve the desired success at work: “You may be an apprentice, but with motivation, connections and ambition, you can take control of your career path. There’s not much difference between climbing the corporate ladder and climbing the Empire ladder.

Edited by Planeta and with precise, short and thorough tips (but without relegating humor), Be more Vader provides the reader with all dark side wisdom. For those who find themselves stuck in a work routine, whether it’s filing papers or “building the Death Star”, this book invites you to seize the moment and ask yourself: What would Darth Vader do?.

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After the success of be more yoda, Be more Vader offers the point of view of the wicked to learn to be recognized, take control of each situation and keep the power. As Darth Vader said, “Join me and together we will rule the galaxy.”

(other books by disney there lucasfilm can be purchased in digital format from Bajalibros by clicking here)

You may be an apprentice, but with motivation, connections and ambition, you can have mastery of your career path. There is not much difference between climb the business chain and climb the ranks of the Empire. Early mentorship will help you make your mark, whether you’re taking the lead on a major project or hunting down rogue Jedi. Developing a person’s reputation relentlessly solves problems and effective can propel your progress, until you replace your mentor and take the lead.

Be more Vader offers essential advice to help you succeed at work. It will allow you to follow in the footsteps of the Dark Lord of the Sith, even when you don’t possess the power of the Dark Side.

Success at work has more to do with attitude than environment. It doesn’t matter if your father is a Jedi or if you grew up on a rural planet. Ultimately, success depends on your ambition, your determination and your killer instinct when doing business. Master these skills early in your career and you won’t learn for long.

Stand out from the crowd in any interview by demonstrating your worth. Your interviewer is busy and likely has an inbox full of emails to respond to, budgets to complete, and rebellions to crush. Don’t waste valuable time appearing like a weak-minded prospect or a run-of-the-mill business clone. Come prepared and energizedeven the most intimidating character will gladly hire you.

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You can’t get a job without experience, but you can’t get experience without a job. So how can your boots get through that armored door? Secure a trainee position by writing an impeccable cover letter highlighting your great contacts (a Sith Lord in your family tree won’t hurt), or when you rejected your Jedi Master with the Force. Once you have the job, he arrives earlyoffer to answer calls and show your absolute commitment eliminate someone who is important to you.

Everyone encounters difficulties at the start of their professional career, especially if they are under pressure to join the family business. Whether your grandfather was a Sith Lord, your mother helped “save the galaxy” with her chaotic activism, or your father was a ragged ignoramus who could never have a decent job, don’t be afraid to go your own way. It’s okay to completely sever ties with them, even if it seems drastic.

"Be more Vader" comes after the success of "be more yoda"a book that offered philosophical advice on "the good ones" star Wars.
“Be more Vader” comes after the success of “Be more Yoda,” a book that offered philosophical advice from the “good guys” in Star Wars.

No matter how high your midichlorian count is, you will never level up from base level to emperor on your own. You’ll need guidance from someone who recognizes your talents and knows how to set you on the path to success. contacts are essential: Communicate via email or hologram with someone who has the profession you want. Then, flatter that person with advice on how to improve your prospects, whether it’s giving speeches, negotiating business disputes, or shooting lightning bolts out of your fingertips.

Dream big! You are starting your brilliant professional career and you have the whole galaxy at your fingertips. Beware of anyone who tries to delete youeven if it’s your only true love. Don’t let them distract you with sermons on good and evil, being harassed by family obligations or criticizing your flawless streak. People who claim you’ve “changed” are intimidated by your meteoric rise to greatness.

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You took advantage of the first opportunities that presented themselves to you; now turn that strong first impression into a formidable reputation. Organize and take control planks ; Inspire your colleagues with your charisma and confidence, and adopt an attitude that will leave no survivors. Learn how to command respect from your peers. But keep in mind that the Death Star wasn’t built in a day.

Always be confident in your talents. Your colleagues may have better people skills, master new business software, or have developed a moon-sized space station with planet-destroying weapons. The Force is strong within you and you should never be afraid to show it. Highlight your status and presence along with some subtle Sith mind games. Stand up in a meeting while others remain seated; It’s the best power play.

Keep co-workers in check during meetings by silencing anyone who distracts the conversation with trivialities or quibbles. Wasting time is wasting money, so show them you mean business. Some co-workers, in the office or on your Death Star, may complain about protocol or a turf fight; remind them that they are here to serve the Emperor. Set your priorities at a glance. If not, how are you going to deliver the Death Star on budget and on time?

Continue reading:

“You are unhappy and it is your fault”: a manifesto against “the trap of the excuse”
“The science of (good) ideas” or why we have to stop thinking about our problems to solve them
Cobra Kai: Six lessons from Netflix’s success to transform your life

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