What is spirulina used for (Photo: Gettyimages)

In pre-Hispanic Mexico, the inhabitants of ancient city ​​of tenochtitlan they wore one diet there medicine Based on natural products, they took advantage of the qualities of plants, herbs and algae with medicinal properties to fight against various ailments.

Over the years, some of these practices have been preserved and today have contributions to modern pharmacy, as is the case with spirulina. It is type of seaweed which grows in some lakes in the country provides nutrients and vitamins, which is why it contributes different qualities to health, among which it fights fatigue, mental fatigue and provides vitamins.

Its scientific name is Arthrospira sp.Spirulina is a undifferentiated filamentous cyanobacteriathat is to say, it is a single-celled type of algae which grows in hot desert environments, mainly on the surface of lakes which contain high levels of alkaline water.

What is spirulina and what is it used for (Photo: Gettyimages)
What is spirulina and what is it used for (Photo: Gettyimages)

One of its main qualities that characterize it is its colorbecause it is greenish, it is even also called blue-green algae; also once it dries it becomes a kind of grainy dust; but its natural consistency is similar to that of a question table.

This dust that is extracted from the lakes is the one that is used for different medical treatments and with the advancement of pharmaceuticals, its benefits have been exploited. nutritional intake become a dietary supplement.

In a survey conducted by Liliana Ramírez Moreno and Roxana Olvera Ramírez, biologists of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) titled Traditional and current use of spirulina sp (arthrospira sp.) revealed what are the contributions of spirulina.

The Aztecs ate it in small quantities with tortillas (sheet)
The Aztecs ate it in small quantities with tortillas (sheet)

Because seaweed has large protein levelsamino acids, vitamins, minerals among other nutrients, according to various studies conducted over the years, spirulina is used as a dietary supplement, but it also benefits the control of cholesterolIt’s easy to digest so eliminates toxins of the digestive system and intestine.

With the pharmaceutical process, spirulina is encapsulated in tablets, which are sold in health food stores. But it is also marketed in dustFor dissolve in water and be consumed. It should be noted that it is also used as flour substitute to season dishes because due to its salty flavor it is used as a cooking ingredient.

According to the text by Francisco Hernández and Fray Toribio de Benavente in which he recounts his discoveries in Mexico-Tenochtitlan, he relates that the Aztecs knew him as tecuitlatl Original name in Nahuatl, which means “stone excrement”. The Aztecs ate it in small quantities with tortillas.They also used it as a condiment for corn.

Regarding its consumption, it is also used in smaller quantities to make soups, snacks, sauces, granola bars and instant drinks.

Thanks to its nutritional contributions, it helps to reduce cramps (sheet)
Thanks to its nutritional contributions, it helps to reduce cramps (sheet)

Through your food contributions, you help reduce cramps, so it is a suggested food for athletes. Besides the types of Vitamin E there Vitamin Bwith the minerals it contains, reduces mental fatigue and excessive exhaustion.

Recent studies have also been conducted in which its antioxidant properties and anticancers to help in the treatment ofto fight cancer such as leukemia and early anemia. Due to its antiviral and antitoxic contributions, it reduces hepatotoxicity, thus helping to alleviate viral diseasescardiovascular like diabetesobesity, immunodeficiency and inflammatory processes.

Among its contraindications, it stands out that pregnant women French lactation period they should not consume this product of natural origin. It is also recommended not to give to minors. Also people with diseases such as hyperuricemia, liver disease or autoimmune pathologies, its consumption is not recommended.

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