Saving is one of the most important activities for some people, who are looking for good stability, a specific project or objective, or even the prevention of a better retirement in the future. In this context, the National Commission for Retirement Savings (consume) He underlined the value that should be given to this advantage in order to live better.
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In this sense, the collaborators attached to the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSST) can opt for the solidarity savings option. An ideal opportunity for workers in the service of the State who have chosen the individual account scheme to retire.
It is also intended for ISSSTE employees who started contributing from April 1, 2007a mechanism by which you can consider increasing your resources before you retire.
According to the organization, this is a right established in the ISSSTE law, where the aforementioned workers could significantly increase their pension through solidarity savings and where they will have the possibility of considering the contribution of only the 2% of your base salaryso that it is intended for your individual account.
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In this way, the interested parties will be able to contribute their own resources to their individual account, in addition to the compulsory contributions to inflate the amount accumulated at the end of their working life.
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One of the advantages is that for each peso that the employee contributes, the agency for which he works will contribute at least 3.25 pesos.
With Solidarity Savings, you will be able to save 1% or 2% of the base salary contributed.
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To this can also be added the investment of the resources that are in the pension fund administrator (Afore) and, together with your savings, this will generate higher returns and, consequently, a higher pension.
The Afores play an important role in the life of the workers, since they are responsible for preserving their resources during their working life, so that when the time of retirement arrives, they can be delivered in retirement form.
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On the other hand, in the case of workers who contribute to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) also have the possibility to increase the amount of your Afore account.
It is voluntary savings, which is carried out individually and with the aim of increasing the resources of its administrator. The initiative could be applied from the website of AvantWeb.
The Consar insisted that there is no specific amount to make your voluntary savings, although it is recommended to contemplate between the 1 and 13% of your salary month by month.
There are a wide variety of ways to do this, online or in person, where the main requirement you will be asked to have is your unique population register code (CURP).
AforeWeb has been designed in favor of workers, who when accessing have the possibility of carrying out searches or procedures such as the request for unemployment withdrawal, the request for balance or modifications, among others.