Spring, summer, fall or winter, nowadays, it doesn’t matter what season of the year, given the recent climate change that turns a scorching sunny afternoon into a storm in the blink of an eye.
Looking for the weather has become a habit for many people to know what to wear, what shoes to choose, plan a trip or decide whether or not to carry an umbrella. Below we present the weather in La Romana.
The probability of precipitation for this Monday in La Romana it is 2% during the day and 4% at night.
During this time, cloudiness will be 12% during the day and 15% at night.
As for temperature a high of 30 degrees and a low of 21 degrees are expected in this region. Ultraviolet rays should reach a level of up to 10.
While the gusts of wind will reach 30 kilometers per hour during the day and 24 kilometers per hour at night.
La Romana is a city in the Dominican Republic, part of the province of the same name, located in the southeast of the Central American country and on the coast of the Caribbean Sea.
Being in a tropical zone, In La Romana, the climate is humid, with constant rains and an average annual temperature of around 27 degrees, with slight seasonal variations.
Being a Caribbean country, The Dominican Republic has a mainly tropical climate, with abundant rainfall and an average temperature between 25 degrees and 30 degrees..
The rainy season begins in May and runs until November, with the months of May, August and September recording the most torrential rainfall on Dominican soil.
Although it is a tropical country, there are regions, mainly in the high altitude areas such as Constanza, Jarabacoa and Ocoa, where the temperature can drop considerably in winter, reaching -5 degrees in winter.
The Dominican Republic is prone to the passage of hurricanes and, on average, one occurs every seven to eight years, as well as a tropical storm every four years, not counting floods.