The story couldn’t be more beautiful Rawson’s Questionwho wrote Alejandra Kamiya and Council Jorge chose to read for the podcast the ear that reads (which can be heard here). There is something in the tone, in the way we meet the characters, but above all, something in the characters. What are dogs? Who feels things, thinks philosophically, loves. And it’s not a fable for boys. At some point we may know they speak for us, but this is not a fable for children: it is for people who already know what it is to go through life, to profit, lose.
“The traditional thing is that these propositions are made by a human subject,” he says. Advise. “In this case, the protagonists are not humans, they are dogs. It’s an extraordinary dog story.”
What are you interested in Advise of kamiyaWhy did you choose to read this story? “Sound and the management of silence”, replies the writer. “Kamiya is extraordinary in laconicism.”

The father of Alejandra Kamiya He is a Japanese immigrant. Is there something of this father, of this heritage in laconicism? “I think so”, he will say Advise minutes before you start reading this story, which is part of the book The patience of water on every stone, a novelty that Eterna Cadencia publishes this month of March.
The author once wrote about the man: “My father chose to stay on this earth for my mother, and for other reasons. I look for them. Once he told me that he had stayed near the bridge in front of the faculty of Law on Figueroa Alcorta Avenue, and because in a southern forest (I’m thinking Bariloche) the falling trees are not removed but are left to be part of the landscape. The fallen trees are also the forest.
Already in this paragraph is the tone of kamiya. Like here, where the characters of the story appear.
“They are four attached, Sasha and Papu still in front, Oso behind and Rawson at his side. Pina is loose and is like a moon, spinning around and almost in the air.”.

the bear is a old dog, it says startup. Sleeps a lot. At one point, he reflected on the confinement: “Maybe this fatigue is a form of relief. I mean, if I don’t move, I don’t feel locked up”. How not to understand it, right?
The story can be heard by clicking here.
The author and the reader
Alejandra Kamiya was born in Buenos Aires in 1966 and trained with Abelardo Castillo first and Ines Fernandez Moreno After. He plunged headlong into literature at the age of 40. He has since published Those who come and those who go: stories of immigrants and emigrants in ArgentinaIn 2008; The remains of the secret and other tales in 2012; The fallen trees are also the forest in 2015 and The sun moves the shadow of still things in 2019.
(“The Patience of Water on Every Stone” can be purchased, in digital format, in Bajalibros, by clicking here.)
Council Jorge He was born in Buenos Aires in 1962. He has a degree in literature and taught semiology at university. He worked as a medical visitor for a time and played chamber music on Florida Street for a while.
He wrote novels, short stories and poems. He said it took three to four years to complete a book, and when he was writing, he was looking for music.
Among other books, he published the novels Posadas Hospital there Sodiumthe tales of Marrakesh and Villa del Parque and the poems of Outdoors and Plaza Sinclair.
(Jorge Consiglio’s books can be purchased, in digital format, from Bajalibros, by clicking here.)
More from “The Reading Ear”
For the ear that reads they have already passed Martin Cohan, Christian Alarcon, Marcos Lopez, Alexandra Cohan, Florence Canale, Augustine Bazterrica, Mary Kodama, Claudia Pineiro, Luciano Lutereau, Lorraine Vega, Eduardo Mileo, Rafael Spregelburd, Selva Almada, Enzo Maqueira, Sylvia Iparraguirre, Franco Torchia, Ezequiel Martinez, Guillermo Martinez, Gabriela Cabezon Camera, Martin Caparros, Mariela Gal, Gabriela Saidon, Pedro Medina Leon, Walter Lezcano, Laura Restrepo, Eduardo Sacheri there Santiago Roncagliolo,
They read stories of Jorge Luis BorgesMariana Enriquez, Horace QuirogaJuan Jose Saer, Fleur Jaeggy, Chica Unigwe, Samantha SchweblinIgnacio Molina, Flor Monfort, Julio CortazarRoque Larraquy, Diego Angelino, Liliana Heker, Sara Gallardo, Nestor Perlongher, Gabriel Garcia MarquezDaniel Moyano, Sylvie Molly, Italo Calvino, Gabriel Goldberg, Abelardo Castillo, Santiago Roncagliolo, Fabian Casas, Mircea Cartarescu and Juan Carlos Onetti.
Any podcast episode you can listen to it by clicking here. You don’t need any particular device: a computer, a phone, a tablet will do.
More literature in GlobeLiveMedia and in your mail
I talk about books in the newsletter read to read, which is distributed every Thursday around noon. New ones, old ones, those that make my heart beat, those that make me think of a specific event that is happening or happening to me. In short, books that accompany me in life.
Last week I kept thinking about everything that was closed when the books of Roald Dahl (and anyone, but we just talked about those).
Sometimes I chewed on the subject of the newsletter for a few days; sometimes it is the impetus of what has just happened.
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