In the week of the famous March 8 alone, female students at different levels reported cases of sexual harassment from teachers or managers in their respective institutions. The facts took place in a high school in State of Mexicoas well as in high schools Guerrero and San Luis Potosรญ.

With the firm intention of receiving the corresponding support, in all three cases protests were carried out inside and outside the school. The problems stemmed from cameras installed in women’s restrooms, social media messages from teachers to students, and attempted deals to improve grades in exchange for sexual proposals.
In the first case, there are complaints lodged by students of High School Number 29 of Tixtla, Guerrero, because of surveillance cameras found in the women’s restroom. However, when going to see the director of the institute, Jose Francisco Calvo Hernandezthe students pointed out that the above did not go beyond keeping the devices and asking them for discretion in the matter.
Following this and having no support from the principal, the students staged a protest during the school’s memorial celebrations to let all guests know about the cases of sexual harassment that had taken place at the school. inside the building and how one of its managers failed to investigate.

In the demands, the student body requested the presence of the rectorate of the University, the University Council and to the University Mediator, for them to come to campus and listen to women’s voices about the situation they have been through. In the same way, they demanded the resignation of the director and the destruction of all the videos obtained from the camcorders.
Last Friday March 10, old students Since Official Secondary School Number 4 “Jorge Jimรฉnez Cantรบ“, located in the city of Toluca, State of Mexicodenounced two high school teachers for alleged acts of sexual harassment against students via the social network of WhatsApp.
Unlike other demonstrations, on this occasion, the minor students concerned went to the homes of acquaintances of previous generations of this same school to carry out the mobilization, arguing that in the first place, they had not received the support school authorities.

This mobilization took place near the school. Former students pointed to the name of the math teacher Alexander “N” as the main alleged harasser, himself who performs his duties for the evening shift. On the other hand, they did not give the name of the other accused, only informing that he gives the Physics courses.
After a few hours of protests, the school supervisor of the General Directorate of Inclusion and Reinforcement by the Secretary of Education of the State of Mexico, Rebeca Saldaรฑa Herrerawho mentioned the support and follow-up that will be provided.
โAssist them with pleasure, but in the presence of their father, mother or responsible guardian. And we do it willingly, finally anything processed here today will be approved in minuteslet’s give it accompaniment and follow-up of our activitiesโ.
Last but not least there is the affair that took place in high school CBTIS 131 located in the colony Providence of the state capital of San Luis Potosi. Students and former students of the school have mentioned the enormous harassment that there has been by 10 teachers of the institute for several years.

The protests were carried out by covering the facade of the building with the names of the teachers involved, as well as writing on the walls inside the school. Signs to teachers point to alleged proposals of a sexual nature in exchange for receiving benefits in grades.