Carlos Marina Puscanformer worker of the Congress of the Republic, denounced the bench legislator Alianza para el Progreso, Magali Ruiz Rodriguez, of take your salary. Thus, parliamentarians continue to be seriously challenged and targeted by this new accusation against the MP.
“I believe that this rupture occurs following my refusal to continue to contribute to the payment of a share. This quota is valued at 1,500 soles which I had to make a monthly contribution, one or two days after receiving the salary payment in my bank account,” Marina Puscan told Punto Final.
Carlos has worked for the congresswoman since February 14, 2022 after being hired as an assistant to the Child Protection Commission; precisely, chaired by Ruíz Rodríguez. He The former employee’s salary was S/4,200, between remuneration and food bonus. However, the work would also be a supposed “financial support”.
“The condition is that you make a voluntary contribution of 1,500 soles for petty cash, as the MP is focused on supporting vulnerable children,” Marina said.
The former worker said he was told the money he provided was going to be used for vulnerable children, which he initially did not object to. However, when a campaign was carried out in favor of infants with cancer at the Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen Hospital, he was again asked for collaboration, to which he replied that there was already a petty cash fund. This was the start of his suspicions.
Carlos Marina Puscan states that the person who requested these payments was Johnny Romero Nima, senior adviser to Deputy Ruiz. “(He) was responsible for billing us for the 1,500 soles per month,” he explained.
“The money was delivered in a sealed envelope in cash and behind closed doors. Councilor Jhonny Romero called us on his personal cell phone and said, ‘come, bring the envelope.’ That’s what he always told us, we went to a locked room, where no one else had access and the same was for cash delivery inside the building of the Parliament,” said the complainant.

According to the aforementioned media, Romero Nima has accompanied the congresswoman since her campaign for Congress, which was also a contributor. This adviser would have confessed to the former worker that the money had a final destination in favor of the legislator.
“‘The money you provide is for the MP’s pocket, as she is up to her neck in campaign debt,'” reportedly the words of Marina Puscan’s parliamentary adviser.
Marina Puscan presented her formal complaint to the Mayor of Congress, Jose Cevasco Piedra. This is how the letter reached the Ethics Commission, one of the members being the parliamentarian herself.

For his part, Jhonny Romero denied the accusations against him and indicated that it would be a so-called “junta”. However, the former worker showed a transfer to his adviser’s bank account.

Bench MP Alianza para el Progreso was reportedly aware of these complaints, as shown by some WhatsApp messages sent by her own worker. However, I continue to benefit from the services of his chief adviser in Parliament.