Two men aged 24 and 30 stayed stopped this Tuesday afternoon as alleged co-authors of the crime of Máximo Gerezthe 12-year-old boy who was shot and killed while standing at the doorstep of his house, located a few meters from a bunker in the “Los Pumitas” settlement of Empalme Graneros de Rosario.
Survey sources explained at GlobeLiveMedia that the two inmates are believed to be the occupants of the black Honda Civic from which Máximo was killed in an attack on a woman linked to the drug kiosk of an organization run by the inmate of the prison of Pinero Cristian “Salteno” Villazonand that on Monday it was looted and destroyed by neighbors.
The sources consulted by this means indicated that the two detainees will be taken to an indictment hearing next Friday by the prosecutor of intentional homicides, Adrian Spelta, as well as the three people who were arrested this Monday evening during a raid in the western area of Rosario.
News in development