According to the estimates of the international organization, Tehran already has more than 18 times the cumulative amount allowed by the nuclear agreement.

The United Nations has warned that Iran has enriched “worrying amounts” of uranium to 20 and 60 percent and noted that “the space for diplomacy appears to be shrinking rapidly” in the absence of progress to revive the 2015 nuclear deal.

The UN Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, has indicated in an appearance before the Security Council that “despite the efforts of the participants in the agreement and the United States since April 2021 to resolve the existing differences, the United States The US and Iran have yet to return to full and effective implementation of the plan.”

Thus, he recalled that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) “has reported Iran’s intention to install new centrifuges at the Natanz enrichment plant and to produce more 60 percent enriched uranium at the Natanz enrichment plant.” Fordo”.

“While the agency has not been able to verify the amount of enriched uranium stored in the country, it estimates that Iran has more than 18 times the amount allowable under the nuclear deal, which includes worrying amounts of 20- and 60-enriched uranium. percent,” said DiCarlo, who has called on Tehran to “reverse the steps taken since July 2019 that are not consistent with its nuclear commitments under the plan.”

DiCarlo has also called on the United States to “withdraw or not apply” the sanctions imposed against Iran and to “extend this non-application to oil trade with Iran”, although he has stressed that “it is important that Iran address the concerns raised by the participants in the agreement and other member states about annex B of resolution 2231″, which includes clauses on the Iranian ballistic program.

In this regard, he noted that the latest tests by the Iranian authorities have led to “divergent views among member states as to whether these launches and other activities are inconsistent with the resolution”, before confirming that Ukraine, France, Germany, The United Kingdom and the United States have filed complaints about the delivery of drones to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine.

“Iran’s permanent representative has denied that his country has delivered drones for use in the conflict in Ukraine and Russia has expressed grave concern over the requests of these member states,” he said, before stressing that his office “is examining the available information and will inform the (UN Security) Council of all findings.”

On the other hand, DiCarlo has stated that the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, “remains convinced that lasting peace and security for all member states depend on dialogue and cooperation.” “Restoring the 2015 nuclear deal remains crucial to reassure the international community of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program and to enable Iran to reach its full economic potential,” he explained.

“We encourage the parties and the United States to resume their efforts to resolve the pending issues, otherwise the progress achieved by the agreement after years of painful efforts will be lost,” DiCarlo has settled.

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