Good news. Despite the fact that Peruvians are still suffering the ravages of mother Naturethere is a situation that can help you overcome these bad times that we have had to go through in recent weeks.

And it is that he Complete health system (SIS), has indicated that all the attentions of its policyholders are 100% covered and without having to pay a single one.
To get a clearer picture, the Complete health system explains that all the attentions that have been a consequence of the intense rains that fall in much of the country, or due to the overflow of rivers, landslides (huaicos); as well as all the diseases that could be contracted by a situation like this (such as dengue fever and malaria) and diseases that cause diarrhea and any other contagious disease.

At this point, the SIS clarified that at the beginning of this year 2023, the 90% of your budget It was awarded to all establishments located in each region of the country. This last part includes health centres, hospitals or institutes.
This economic position will allow you to manage the aforementioned premises, so that policyholders who present an emergency situation can be transferred by the appropriate channel. i.e. both air, land and river.
On the other hand, in the SIS, all these private air emergency transfers are also financially covered, for policyholders who are in critical condition. Priority 1 (Sudden Extreme Severity) there priority 2 (major emergency).
If this is the case, the same health establishment will be directly responsible for managing this transfer, what does it have? national scope.
According to the comprehensive health system, the payment of more than 12,000 medical diagnoses they are insured.
Of course, this includes all medications prescribed to the patient, as well as medical supplies and procedures. That is to say the whole chain that may be necessary during a case, such as outpatient consultation, hospitalization and all emergencies that may arise.

As we have seen, entire families lost their homes and all their possessions. It is therefore possible that a hypothetical patient has lost his ID card.
In this sense, there will be no type of problem, since the subject can go to the health facility and say that he is insured in the SIS just with Mention your name and ID number. Only then can it be verified that the patient is indeed an insured patient.
Likewise, the Complete health system Remember that if you have found it necessary to travel to another province or region far from your home, you can also be treated at any first level health center of the Ministry of Health or any which Peruvian regional government.
That’s to say, there is no impediment so that every insured person has access to health services, wherever they are in the country.

Finally, the SIS reminds all citizens to examine if they are already affiliated successfully on your system.
To do this, you just need to consult the application “Make sure and inform yourself” or at You can also via WhatsApp on number 941 986 682, email [email protected] or free line 113 (option 4). As you can see, you no longer have an excuse not to be insured with the SIS.