Raising an anteater and a young spectacled bear were sighted in Santander, in the municipalities of captain there the salt flatsrespectively.

Both specimens belong to vulnerable species that the environmental authorities of the area are trying to protect. This is the case of the Autonomous Corporation of Santander (CAS), an entity that closely followed both meetings.
The most recent was the anteaterwhich was found on top of a tank, by workers who, as soon as they encountered the animal, decided to help:
“An anteater was seen in a crushing plant in the municipality of Capitanejo and thanks to the local workers who gave notice, our CAS professionals, in the García Rovira region, were alerted to save this species and after an evaluation medical -Veterinarian, it was determined that the animal was in excellent health conditions to return to its natural habitat, ”reported the Autonomous Corporation on the networks.
After the arrival of a specialized team in the area, the animal was undergone rigorous medical examinationsbefore returning it to its natural habitat, only after checking that it was in optimal conditions.
“The anteater was released in a wooded area in the municipality of Enciso. The veterinary team has determined that he is in good health, to return to his natural habitat,” they revealed in their latest update.

Shortly before, a few kilometers away, someone who was walking in the woods came across a young spectacled bear which, according to the intervention of the SAE, was exercises on a tree there looking for food:
“Spectacled bear doing his exercise routine to keep fit, after a succulent meal of palms, berries and guiches. A great joy for Don Samuel Villabona, who had the chance to record it with his camera in the village of Las Salinas in the municipality of Santa Bárbara. Its presence in this corridor of the high Andean forest bodes well for the conservation of biodiversity and its treasures such as water, ”explained the entity, in a message shared on its networks.
It is true that this second meeting was not directly with the CAS; however, for some time now, the Corporation has been monitoring wildlife sightings in the department, in order to, through the networks, make recommendations to those who have already experienced similar situations or who could do so at any time, being in constant contact with nature.
The foregoing, seeking that both animals and humans are safe in the natural environments of the latter, when they meet.
As part of International Spectacled Bear Day 2023, the children’s cartoon, known as Frailejon Ernesto Perez He explained that the first thing to do is to stay calm. These bears by nature they are not aggressivebut depending on the behavior of the people they meet, they can react in surprising ways.
Thus, in his speech, he said:don’t run to him touch it or attack it. If possible, make noise to scare him away.
- Second: avoid getting stuck and always leave him an escape route, it is essential to respect the space where he lives and never look him in the eye “to avoid direct contact”, explained Pérez.
- Third: if the person is with his dog or any other pet to prevent it from attacking the Spectacled Bear.
And finally, “This step is very important: don’t attack him and not to do anything that could affect his life”, underlined Frailejón Ernesto Pérez.