Paying 60 or 70 dollars for a video game seems little compared to some of the prices of cosmetic items that players buy to stylize their characters and their weapons, indeed it is said that there are figurines with which one could buy a house or a car.
In most cases, these products, known as skins, are from free titles that monetize themselves through these sales, despite the fact that they do not represent any skill or stat upgrades, but are rather cosmetic.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is the game with the most expensive cosmetic items, reaching figures of up to $1 million. But also, other titles like Dota 2 and Diablo III appear with elements that provide improvements to the player.
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The game was discontinued in 2014, but before that, its auction center moved a lot of money, as was the case with this weapon, which was one of the most powerful.
The player who managed to get it initially sold it for $250, not knowing what its value was, as it was eventually bought back for $14,000.

The name of this item is literally that: sword. A weapon that made a big impact on the game by having high stats that benefited the wielder.
The reason for its value is that it was auctioned before the official release of Age of Wulin and its final price was $16,000.
This article has many elements for which it is considered strange within this video game. It is a courier that brings items to the base and could only be obtained for a specific time, had a high degree of rarity, had a hard-to-find effect, and was pink, which was almost impossible to see. It all cost $38,000.
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In 2018, Cloud9 became the first American team to win the world cup of this video game and the best player of the tournament was Tyler ‘Skadoodle’ Latham, so the developers decided to make a version of the weapon he has used in the final, including his signature and a series of commemorative stickers. It was sold for $61,000.

This is a case similar to the previous one. When a skin in CS:GO is classified as “Souvenir”, it is because it commemorates an esports event and has special shapes, colors and stickers.
In the case of this weapon, there are only 114 units and its price is $100,000 or more.
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This purchase took place recently. It was sold for $160,000 and there are already players offering $400,000 for it. The reason for this is that it has four very valuable stickers and is newly released from the game designer factory.
We’ve seen guns, swords, and even messengers before, but the most expensive skin in a video game is a knife.
The story begins in 2016 when it was bought for $100,000 and in the community it is rated as “mythical”, since the chances of a player appearing in a box are one in 371 million.
Due to its high value, it was never resold, but its owner has already rejected offers of $1.5 million.