Almost by chance, Mercedes Nini she met the man who was the love of her life for over two years. From afar and knowing only her life, the journalist was enthusiastic about Alberto Curi Aragonwho lived in Salta and suffered from a serious illness.
In early 2020, a few months before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Mercedes and Carlos met in person for the first time and have not parted ways so far. At that time, the journalist from Cordoba told her love story in the first person.
“I fell in love before I met him. His sister Belén, with whom we always saw each other in his rock in Palermo Hollywood, told me proudly about Alberto. He told me that he had cancer of skin, then bone necrosis in his knees and feet, that he had been in a wheelchair for two years and that one day he got up to climb Aconcagua and then continued to the top of the highest mountains I had no chance of finding him because I was in Salta and I guess with little desire to come to Buenos Aires, where he had undergone several very traumatic treatments. in January 2017 I started dreaming of seeing her. But everything was difficult. He invited me to his birthday parties in February in Salta, but this month is sacred for our family. Every year we meet in our house from Dolores to San Esteban, Córdoba, to spend the holidays together. At the beginning of 2020, Belén told me to go to the club because Alber to had traveled to Buenos Aires to take a writing course. When I saw it, my heart trembled like never before. We saw each other for three days, then he went to Salta and the pandemic arrived. During the quarantine, we always talked. This is how he told me his whole story in installments, so dramatic and resilient at the same time,” he said.
Ninci fell in love with the resilience of Alberto, who became a mountaineer and climbed from Aconcagua to the highest peaks in Mexico. “With Alberto, we are so different and so equal at the same time. I like the danger of the city, (the more trouble there is, the more I like the note), he, on the other hand, likes the risk that the fury of nature can bring him. Alberto, when he is not on an expedition, lives to the rhythm of the legüero bass drum of his rock. Me, with the noise of the media hype of street demonstrations”, he he described to Teleshow a few years ago.
However, these two very different worlds could not be reconciled. During these days, the rumor of the separation of the couple circulated and during the afternoon of Friday it was Mercedes herself who came out to talk about it. “Distance pulled us apart,” he said in a play on exact words. And he immediately added: “I was the happiest woman in the world when we were together and I keep this beautiful memory.”
With pain, but with the certainty that life goes on, the journalist who has 4 children with El Tano, cameraman of El Trece with whom she was in a relationship for 20 years, assured that “today I live in the day day and I don’t do nothing plans.”
Focused on his children Malena, Florence, Lucas and Caroline, The journalist confessed, “At first, I thought it would be easy to have long-distance love, but over time, it got complicated.”
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