On Friday, March 3, the hearing for the legalization of the captures of Monica Valence Charryspecialized prosecutor, and Luis Ricardo Patinohead of the SIU (Drug Investigations Unit) from Medellin. Although both have pleaded not guilty, they are accused of having escaped justice by taking advantage of their accusations and the trust they enjoyed within the Parquet and DEA. Both were detained in Medellín by CTI agents and uniformed members of the Gaula army from the capital of the department of Antioquia.
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Although details of the investigation against the two are being kept confidential, it is the newspaper The weather the one responsible for delivering some details on what is hidden behind the approach of the two recognized leaders, within the union, for their participation in actions against the mafia affecting the country.
The arrest of the two is the result of the operations that were carried out, led by the Attorney General, Francois Barbosato stop corruption within official entities. Thanks to these actions, it should be remembered, it was possible to find the capture of the former head of the Asset Forfeiture Unit and delegate for criminal finance, Ana Catalina Noguera on February 13th.
Mónica Valencia is accused of having committed acts related to the crime of embezzlement. The captured woman, from Buga in the valley, has been found 20 million pesos in cash. Likewise, let us recall, his name appeared in the year 2020 when the prosecutor’s office opened an internal investigation for his alleged links to drug traffickers and front men from the Oficina de Envigado. It should be noted, however, that she was currently arrested for allegedly having to do with irregularities in the succession of fortune of a merchant
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“An investigation is underway to find out whether the prosecutor exceeded her duties for the benefit of one of the speakers, who is also the subject of an investigation,” a source informed of the case told the newspaper. The weather. As part of the investigation, it was discussed a BMW van and reception donations for the benefit to one of the heirs to the estate of the millionaire sum.
On the other side, Luis Ricardo Patino he would have been captured, according to what the aforementioned media could learn, for having allegedly committed procedural fraud. Apparently it would have made a a judge and a prosecutor make a mistake in the seizure of telephones Carlos Ramón Zapata, former capo of the Medellin cartel.
“On October 19, 2020, under the deception of DEA Special Agent Jason Kingler, I attended a ‘meeting’ at the Artisan DC Hotel in Bogotá. Upon arriving at this location, I was shown the order of seizure of storage devices, received by DEA personnel, those who do not have judicial police functions in the country, and not by the agents of the CTI (…) The ‘diligence’ lasted more than eight (8) hours because I was subjected to a in-depth questioning by the DEA” Ramón Zapata explained what happened at the time.
The name of Patiño, for this case, was framed in the report n° of the prosecutor to issue an order for the seizure of the electronic devices of the former capo. According to what Zapata denounced, Patiño made it appear that Patiño was in charge of “the contamination and corruption of servers for the purpose of obstructing justice and diverting investigations, in particular directed against drug trafficking and money laundering”.
It should be noted that he was able to establish The weatherthat the behaviors for which both are being studied are “of administrative order‘, ‘not criminal‘.