And the man went down the rails of the Public Transport System Metro (STC) of Mexico and their actions were filmed. “I bring my backpack and I bring all this, here’s my stuff so they don’t say I came armedI just brought this, ”said the individual who was dressed in a jacket and a black cap.
They reported long waits and a total halt in the progression of trains on line 7 of the CDMX metro
Orange Line passengers clamored for slow progress on trains minutes after service opened
The person took what appears to be an item of clothing from their backpack and put it down in the middle of the rails where the metro cars pass, space where he was also located. The recording was shared on social media on Tuesday February 28 and also shows how various security guards captured the man.
The facts were recorded in the San Antonio station on line 7 (orange color) direction Barranca del Muerto, as reported by journalist Azucena Uresti through her social networks. In the video you can see approximately seven uniformed officers who participated in the seizurebetween the troops under the wagon and others in the part where people are waiting for transport.
In the first moment of the recording, the man can be seen standing and taking his items out of a backpack, however, during the second part of the footage, it was possible to see the individual just under a wagon be taken away by the uniformed ones.
The CDMX metro presented smoke on line 5 and delays at several stations
On the afternoon of February 22, the public transport system closed with the presence of smoke in one of its stations
It was at 5:56 a.m. that the Metro announced via its social networks that the service of line 7 was stopped due to protective actions by a person who got off the tracks. Shortly after 6 a.m., it was announced that service had been restored after securing the aforementioned individual. In addition, he took the opportunity to point out that, for safety, you should never go down the slopes.
“#AvisoMetro: Train traffic resumes on line 7, after sheltering a person outside the system on the road. Respect the yellow safety line. For your safety and that of other users, do not go down the tracks under any circumstances”, shared the metro on Twitter.
Just a day before, last Monday, February 27, reports appeared on different incidents on both lines 3 and 8. In the first, smoke was detected in the station Sports March 18, which caused the evacuation of a train. The origin of the smoke has not been elucidated, but the Metro account reports that an object fell on the tracks at said station.
Chaos in the CDMX metro: smoke was reported on line 3 and the withdrawal of a train on line 8
The Public Transport System announced that traffic was restored on line 8, but the maneuver affected travel times
For their part, on line 8, the authorities report the deletion of one of the trains without delving into the causes of the facts. “Ask about Line 8 please. Correct information. Already they kicked us off the train at Aculco station,” one user posted on social media minutes before the announcement.
Guillermo Calderondirector of the Metro, told the organized crime as responsible for cable theftwhich affects energy systems, train control and communications, it involves risks and causes delays in service.
In a conference given on February 1, the director of the Métro declared that large amounts of cable are removed and pointed out that those responsible have a defined strategy, since he spoke of the theft of large volumes and his ability to market them.
“It can’t just be a homeless person signing up, it’s high volumes and he realizes he’s talking about a organized criminal groupto say it with all his words, ”shared Guillermo Calderón.