The body accepted the resignation of PRO MP Waldo Wolff and Gabriel Mraida was sworn in in his place
The ruling party reaches a quorum with 129 deputies and the debate begins
The last to descend on the scene, a few minutes before the deadline, were the inhabitants of Buenos Aires Alejandro “Topo” Rodriguez there Graciela Camano of the Federal Interbloc. His bench mates, the socialists Enrique Estevez there Monica FeinThey had done it a few minutes before.
The ruling party also managed to add the four Left Front deputies –Romina del Pla, Nicolás del Caño, Alejandro Vilca and Myriam Bregman– and to the legislators of the interbloc of the United Provinces, Luis Di Giacomo, Diego Sartori, Agustín Domingo and Carlos Fernández.
From Together for Change, they descended on the scene once the debate opened to present their criticisms of the pension moratorium project.
“We will continue without giving a quorum while the attack on Justice continues,” said PRO MP Fernando Iglesias.
Together for Change has expressed its rejection of the draft retirement debt repayment plan
Through a statement, the opposition regretted “the decision to continue to patch up the pension system to the detriment of all retirees”.
The requirement of 30 years of contributions necessary to access retirement benefits from the general pension system is only met by a small part of the population, due to the persistent macroeconomic instability and high informality of work. Today, only one out of four retirees who have obtained the retirement benefit have done so by fulfilling all the conditions required by the so-called “general” scheme.
For many years, efforts have been made to mask the real problem of the system, namely the extremely high informality of the Argentine labor market, through moratoriums, without addressing the problem. But the inclusion of a large number of people without contributions in a contributory system, in the long term, harms it to death. The result is its unsustainability and the permanent deterioration of the pension assets of millions of Argentines.
It must be said in full: Kirchnerism distributes resources that do not exist. Instead of generating more rights with sustainable economic growth, with more investment and more quality jobs registered, on the contrary, it generates more budget deficit and then, to reduce it, cuts pension expenditure by applying the mobility of pensions, which is always lower than the high inflation that we have today in Argentina.
The loss of purchasing power of pension assets is constant and subjects the majority of our seniors to levels of indigence. In Argentina, pensioners pay the bulk of the budget deficit with the deterioration of their assets.
This situation is doubly unfair because the tax system must maintain a sense of fairness: there must be a correlation between the advantages granted in practice and the tax effort that each citizen has provided. If those who have contributed the most do not see this contributory effort recognized for their benefit, the logic of the system is destroyed.
The solution is not in more patches, nor in the simulation of unpaid contributions and that is why in 2017 we created the universal pension for the elderly by law. Today, all the elderly in our country, even without any type of contribution, have this consecrated right.
There is an urgent need to seriously address a comprehensive reform of the pension system. Our proposal is to move forward with a truly inclusive and sustainable reform so that all older people can receive benefits without the need for exceptions or fixes, and in which retirement is linked to contributions paid during life. active. A benefit that combines a basic benefit for the entire population from retirement with a proportional benefit that recognizes all years of contributions.
But the exit will not be kicked into this discussion, nor at the expense of the meager assets of millions of retirees who will end up financing the largest budget deficit generated by this government proposal. This is why we will oppose this new moratorium.
With half of our children below the poverty line, we cannot afford to spend what does not exist, let alone if our own pensioners will end up paying.
Quorum doubts
Two pro-government deputies faced delays: Eduardo Toniolli from Santa Fe was delayed on the road due to protests by ruralists and José Luis Gioja from San Juan had his flight rescheduled.
The ruling party asked to postpone the session but the opposition refused
Kirchnerism will seek to approve pension moratorium on last day of extraordinary events: quorum doubts
They called a special session for February 28. Together for Change, he announced that he would not descend on the scene. Negotiations with “average” blocks and controversial posters that appeared on the premises of ANSES
The Frente de Todos called for a special session in the House of Representatives for February 28, in which he will seek to approve two projects: the retirement debt payment plan (commonly called moratorium forecast) and the digitization of medical records. Both already have half Senate sanction.