The New EPS is one of the entities with optimal financial statements that would receive users of other EPS in liquidation.

One of the highlights of the project health reform presented on Monday, February 13 to the Congress of the Republic by the President Gustave Petro, with the Minister of Health, Caroline Liegehas to do with health care providers (EPS).

“EPS currently in liquidation will be eliminated and EPS in optimal financial condition will welcome patients in a gradual and orderly manner so that they are not left without coverage,” he said.

Thus, the bill establishes that “the new pes to cover the territories which, due to the liquidation of certain EPS, find themselves without the said insurance”.

This means that the new pes should receive 11.490 million peopleas it became known after the meeting that Petro had with the leaders of the entity during which he asked them if they could receive the affiliates which would leave other entities if the current model terminated, to which they replied no, as it would require a transition process that could be supported by other existing PES.

“The New EPS will contribute to the organization of the supply of health services within the framework of social health insurance, facilitate its infrastructure in each territory to organize and make the transition to the organization of the territorial registration of the population and the structuring of the referral and counter-referral system, the formation of Integral and Resolute Primary Health Care Centers (Capirs), as well as the organization of integrated and global networks in the territories that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the level authorities determined by territory”, specifies the health reform bill.

In turn, the Petro initiative establishes that “once the transition is complete, which will be maintained for as long as necessary, EPS who are conditioned and believe they can coexist within the new prevention and primary care system, they will have every opportunity to develop their corporate purpose as IPS and/or auditors for the collection of resources from the General Social Security Health System (Address)”.

The same bill establishes that the transition to health for life offers a preventive and predictive systemwhich means guaranteeing the quality of life of Colombians to comprehensively cover all the factors that influence their health, from the satisfaction of their fundamental rights, through mental health care, to the monitoring and rapid diagnosis of diseases. .

Moreover, that there will be a territorialized health in which the family will have the same system for all its members.

“Uno de los objetivos del cambio hacia una salud para la vida es el cierre de brechas sociales y territorials para lograr a system that benefits to all citizenship, without social, economic, cultural, regional distinctions or of cualquier otra índole”, se lee in the same.

In the same way, it is highlighted that the entry point will be the Comprehensive and Resolute Primary Health Care Centers (Capirs), the function of which will not only be to care for the sick, but also to organize the territory on average 25,000 people for each and distributed according to the place of residence or work.

Regarding this Capirs model, the centers will work through private and public entities. This also includes starting the integrated health networkssuch as outpatient, hospitalization, medical and dental emergencies, rehabilitation, public health surveillance, diagnostic services and laboratories, among others.

“Thus, the medical teams will permanently, systematically and constantly visit the families of the said territory, wherever they are, to reduce the causes of the disease, eliminate it if possible or treat it even in a primary state where it is still life can be saved,” he stresses.

In turn, that to achieve the transition to this system, the Address will be strengthened to become a single payer.

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