Despite the announcement of this extension, on February 14, Peruvian health authorities declared the end of the fifth wave of the covid-19 pandemic in the country and indicated that the disease “is in transition to an endemic phase”.

This Friday the Executive powerthrough a supreme decreeextended the health emergency nationwide due to the covid-19 pandemic, effective Saturday, February 25, for 90 calendar days.

The extension was made official by the Supreme Decree No. 003-2023-SApublished this Friday in an extraordinary edition of the legal rules booklet of the Official Journal El Peruano.

Originally, the health emergency was declared in Peru by Supreme Decree No. 008-2020-SA of March 11, 2022, then extended by Supreme Decrees No. 020-2020-SA, No. 027-2020-SA, No. 031-2020-SA , No. 009-2021-SA, No. 025-2021-SA, No. 003-2022-SA and No. 015-2022-SA.

The Government justifies the new extension of this state because, among other reasons, the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that covid-19 “continues to be a Public Health Emergency of International Importance (ESPII)still classified as a pandemic, which configures the continuation of the health emergency in the country.

In its article 2, the standard specifies which are the intervening entities and the action plan. In this sense, it corresponds to Ministry of HealthAl National Institute of Health you all Social health insurance (EsSalud)carry out the immediate actions developed in the Plan of Action-Monitoring, containment and management of cases of the new COVID-19 in Peru, details the supreme decree.

This decree, signed by the President of the country, Dina Boluarte, the Minister of Health, Rosa Gutiérrez, and the Minister of Labor, Alfonso Adrianzén, explains that during this extension “the procurement of goods and services necessary for the activities of the health emergency.

The ace hiring there acquisitions that they are followed under the protection of this supreme decree and supreme decrees n° 008-2020-SA, n° 010-2020-SA, n° 011-2020-SA, n° 020-2020-SA, n° 027-2020-SA, No. 029-2020-SA, No. 031-2020-SA, No. 009-2021-SA, No. 025-2021-SA, No. 003-2022-SA and No. 015- 2022- SA, “must be used exclusively for the purposes established by said standards, under the responsibility”.

To continue to fight the covid-19 pandemic, the government is continuing vaccination campaigns.
To continue to fight the covid-19 pandemic, the government is continuing vaccination campaigns.

In its complementary provision, the decree specifies that the emergency extension for the health sector, implies the possibility that the said sector has continuity of mixed workwithin the scope of its powers.

Finally, it recalls that once the extension is over, the authorities responsible for executing the Action plan They must account for the activities and resources carried out, as well as the results achieved.

Despite the announcement of this extension, on February 14, Peru’s health authorities declared the end of the fifth wave of the covid-19 pandemic in the country and indicated that the disease “is in transition to a endemic phase”.

He National Center for Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control (CDC Peru)of Ministry of Healthreported that since the start of the fifth wave last December, 319,212 confirmed cases and 1,932 deaths have been reported.

He CDC chief executive, Cesar Munaycopointed out that this implied a lethality of 0.61 deaths per 100 confirmed cases, a figure lower than that observed in previous waves in the country, according to Agencia EFE.

The figures of the Ministry of Health They report that in the past 24 hours, 97 covid-19 infections have been reported, five people have died and four have been discharged. PEru is the country in the world with the highest death rate Because of this virus, 219,387 people died from covid-19.

In reference to vaccination74.21% of the target population (citizens aged 12 and over) have all three doses, which represents 21.2 million Peruvians out of the 33 in the country.

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