The question of the liberation of youth from First lineby order of the government of President Gustavo PetroIt continues to generate controversy. Not only has a whole controversy been unleashed since the end of 2022 when the Head of State advocated this decision, but now the Board of state accepted a lawsuit asking to stop the claims of this edict.

The Colombian National Police could move from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Justice: what is the reason
The head of this portfolio, Néstor Osuna, gave details in this regard and said that the main objective will be to make men in uniform “allies of the citizens”.
What the president wanted was that the young people who demonstrated during the 2021 national strike against the then president, Iván Duque, be freed before the December 24so that they pass the Christmas with their families. Although several of them were released, there were others other than the judges they were refused this advantage.
Amid all the controversy over the issue, Rep. Hernán Cadavid, from the Democratic Centerbrought before the courts Decree 2422 of December 9, 2022, which was issued by the Presidency of the Republic to guarantee the release of those involved.

In the text, Cadavid argues that this “incurs the vice of nullity of the violation of the norm on which the act must be based, for the arguments of the present trial”, we read in the text. At your request, the Board of state accepted complaints considering the following:
“As can be seen, the annulment for unconstitutionality continues against the general decrees issued by the National Government, the revision of which does not correspond to the Constitutional Court under the terms of Articles 237 and 241 of the Constitution, as well as against the acts of a , by express constitutional provision, they are issued by entities or organizations other than the national government, as long as these acts directly violate the Political Constitution, which means that between the defendant provision and the constitutional text it does not there is no legal norm on which the general regulation which is the subject of the process”, assures the decree.
Congressman uribista demanded that the ministries of Interior, Defense and the Vice-Ministry of Promoting justice and lawas well as Administrative Department of the Presidencythat they withdraw the aforementioned decree that allowed the judiciary to assess the release of protesters.

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The order was given during the final hearing in the former senator’s loss of nomination and political death trial, which he was unable to attend because the place where he is being held has no link
In this regard, Cavidad celebrated that the court had granted his request and assured that what he was looking for was to favor the division of powers which, in his opinion, would violate the decision of the Petro government.
“The Council of State has accepted my request for the decree by which Gustavo Petro requests the freedom of the members of the so-called “front line” and with which he also attacks the autonomy of justice in Colombia. We continue to fight on all fronts,” assured Hernán Cadavid, the plaintiff, on his Twitter account.
In the process, the uribista legislator assured that the national government did not respect the decisions of the judges who had decided to send the members of the First line, accused of having committed disturbances to public order and acts of vandalism in the various cities of the country during the demonstrations, from April to June 2021, against the Uribista government of the time.

Health reform: Roy Barreras requested a legal concept from the Council of State
The President of Congress also released the concept of his lawyers, according to which the reform can be treated as an ordinary law, since it does not intend to modify the statutory health law, but Law 100, which is ordinary
“We hope that this control mechanism will be reviewed and that the Council of State will once and for all cut the ambitions of Gustavo Petro will give him freedom to those who don’t deserve it,” the rep told the magazine. Week, where he delegitimized that the subjects who will come out of prison be declared peace managers.

According to the Centro Democrático activist, this type of dignities should only be granted to groups that have political status such as the guerrillas of National Liberation Army (ELN) andstructure with which, precisely, the executive is currently conducting peace talks.
Cadavid accused the protesters of having committed multiple crimes such as kidnapping, homicide, extortion, wounding and torture and for this reason, he demanded that President Petro order the aforementioned ministries and departments to his government to change the article mentioned.
“Gustavo Petro cannot submit to the laws of the Republic to satisfy his personal whims and his political commitments to the sectors that helped him in the streets, in the mobilizations and in the so-called social outbreak, which ended up be a political demonstration in favor of the current president”, affirmed the legislator to Week.