The affair of four kidnapped US citizens in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, it could take a drastic turn. And it is that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, for its acronym in English) doubt about responsibility people who have been stopped So far, they have been identified as suspected members of the Gulf Cartel.

On March 8, five days after the kidnapping, five bound men and alive, they were found on the streets of downtown Matamoros with a message that listed them as the responsible for the deprivation of liberty has Latavia McGee, Shaeed Woodard, Zindell Brown and Erick James Williams.
The card was signed by “Scorpio Group” -armed wing of the Gulf Cartel-. Through it, an “apology” was made to the society for the “indiscipline” of its members, since it resulted in the death of two Americans (Zindell and Shaeed). “For him we have decided to deliver to those concerned and those directly responsible for the facts, who at all times acted according to their own determination, ”we read.

Although the Tamaulipas authorities have reached the arrest of six people allegedly involved in the March 3 events, the FBI said it had Doubts about the responsibility of those arrestedannounced the journalist of MillenniumVíctor Hugo Michel, in his broadcast of March 19.
Diplomatic sources informed the said media that the American agency had access to exclusive information which would point to the participation of three other people, according to their own investigations. According to the communicator, the United States government has indicated that the five handcuffed men who appeared in the streets of Matamoros are not the real kidnappers of their fellow citizens, although they themselves have accredited their alleged involvement.
That’s why the FBI asked the Tamaulipas district attorney’s office More reports about what happened. However, so far Mexican authorities have not spoken out on these new charges.
On the basis of the reports drawn up, Jose Alberto Garcia Vilanoa.k.a The Kenait’s him main suspect of the kidnapping of the Americans. This subject has been identified as the leader of the Gulf Cartel plaza in Matamoros. Because of his involvement in other crimes, the authorities are offering a reward of up to two million 500,000 pesos in exchange for information leading to his whereabouts or arrest.

This weekend, James Williams – who managed to survive with Latavia – shared a video in which he appears lying on a stretcher in a hospital in Brownsville, Texas, after receiving a bullet in one of his legs.
Asked about the reasons for his trip, the American reiterated that they had traveled to Matamoros for a cosmetic surgery operation that Latavia was going to undergo. “It had nothing to do with drugs.” Williams assured, at the same time that he indicated that he was in the recovery phase under medical supervision.
Recall that after this kidnapping, it was reported that three of the four American citizens had Criminal record related to crimes against health, according to court records. However, James Williams was the only one of them who was not involved in the manufacture and trade of drugs.
The six men who were arrested for the crimes of aggravated kidnapping and simple intentional homicide were identified as Antonio de Jesús “V”, Luis “V”, Ever Noel “H”, Juan Francisco “L”, Gustavo ” M” and Jose “N”. They have all been process related. Also in these facts a mexican woman lost her life who answered on behalf of areli pablodeath from a stray bullet.