An important police operation was mounted on the Buenos Aires – La Plata Highway
In the early hours of this Thursday morning, a strong police operation was mounted on the Buenos Aires – La Plata highway, at the Dock Sud toll, to avoid further cuts of carriers such as those that occurred yesterday. Patrol cars, motorcycles and dozens of troops are waiting for force measures that will continue during the day.

So far the traffic is normal, there are no delays in both hands despite the police operation that is in both the Capital and the Province.

The measure seeks to prevent the total traffic cut that occurred yesterday morning in the same place. At kilometer 7 of the trace, Within the framework of the national strike that carriers set up to claim for the lack of diesel, truckers demanded the comparison of prices with respect to the City of Buenos Aires.

The day of protest reached its peak of tension after 8 in the morning, when the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Berni arrived by helicopter and intimidated the protesters by shouting: “They have five minutes to make a decision, if they don’t I’ll arrest them all and seize the trucks. I’ll finish them out tomorrow at 5 in the morning, I don’t care”.

Annoyed by a new traffic cut, the government official of Axel Kicillof came face to face with one of the protesters and demanded the immediate removal of the vehicles to free circulation on the highway: “A protest is not resolved with a crime. If they are so hard-working, and I respect their right to work like that of all the Argentines who are passing through that lane and who an hour ago were in a queue”, he justified his position.

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