Faced with the possibility of rainy medium intensity in Lima, due to the indirect influence of the Cyclone Yakuthere Lima Metro Line 1 published an important press release this Sunday, March 12, in order to provide some safety recommendations to passengers boarding the wagons at the various stations.

One of the first recommendations, and perhaps the most important, of this service public transport was that users should “stay away from the Electrical installation in the rain”, to avoid exposing yourself to accidents due to electrocution.
As a second tip, line 1 of the Lima metro asked the thousands of passengers traveling through the form Do not run in the stations, as precipitation can wet the floors and this can lead to a slip or fall. “Use the handrails at all times,” he said.

This same recommendation was advised to use when traveling inside trains, as the floors can also be slippery due to rain and someone could fall. Hence the importance of always holding the uprights and handrails firmly.
Line 1 of the Lima metro also asked users of the wagons Obey the “wet floors” or “flooded areas” signs inside the stations.
“If necessary, evacuate in an orderly manner following the instructions of Line 1 staff and the authorities,” concluded the Lima Metro in his statement.

Beyond the recommendations of Line 1 for the good circulation of its trains, it is also important to know as citizens what to do before the occurrence of these rains.
– Follow the news about the rain scenario in the media and official sources, as well as the probability of the presence of The coastal child.
– Identify if you have stocks or equipment exposed to the rain and set up places for storage and protection.
– Install barriers to prevent water entry, especially at low levels such as basements.
– Evaluate the location of its facilities and its location in relation to waterways or broken. Also, recognize if your fixtures have a slope, as water entering it will accumulate.
– Clean channels and ducts water drainage and keep them free of debris, solid waste or the like.
– Repair and do preventive maintenance of roofs to avoid leaks or standing water. Install gutters to direct rainwater.
– Make sure that your insurance policy is valid in order to be protected against possible losses to your property.

– Protect and/or safeguard any goods or equipment that may be damaged by the rainwater or a flood.
– Avoid crossing bridges where the river level is already above normal.
– Do not approach power lines or poles in poor condition.
– Do not approach rivers or flooded areas
where a dry river is reborn.