the spanish president Pedro Sanchez announced this Saturday new law which will ensure compliance with parity in future governments -regardless of their political orientation- as well as in the large business management.
Thus, the new standard – which will be approved shortly martes for him Council of Ministers– monitor compliance with female quota in these environments, which should be 40%.
“At the next Council of Ministers, we are going to approve a law on equal representation between men and women in decision-making centres”, announced the socialist leader during a meeting of his party in Madrid.
Will be affected by this new standard: boards of directors of professional associationsTHE juries that award publicly funded prizes or recognition and the listed companies or public interest entities which employ more than 250 people and whose annual turnover is 50 million euros.
The reform also provides for the zippers readythat is to say an alternation between men and women in the electoral proposals.
Spain is considered a country of reference for women’s rights on the European continent thanks to a variety of laws as the comprehensive protection from gender-based violence -approved almost 20 years ago, in 2004- and the most recent, which establishes the low menstruation.
In this sense, in the act of this Saturday, the President has valued all the measures that the socialist executives have taken to protect the welfare state in Spain, which he has defined as “the best equality policies that can be made”.
He also pointed out that 10 years ago, in the European average, only one 13% women they were part of the management advice while currently, 30% already exceeded in public and private companies.
Other notable measures are the quota policy and the Controversial law for the integral guarantee of sexual freedom debated in Congress – better known as “Only yes is yes”-, which keeps the Socialists at odds with the left of Podemos, their partners in the government coalition.
The latter establishes a single crime of sexual assault whether there was violence or intimidation and therefore focuses on whether or not there was consent. Causally, this central part of the rule is what led to disagreements between the partners.
With this reform, the socialist sector of the Government seeks to end the reductions in sentences for sex crimes and the more than 74 releases that took place with the application of the new law, which entered into force on October 7, 2022. .
(With information from EFE and AFP)
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