In January of the current year, it was tabled before the Congressby the government of the Colombian president, Gustavo Petrohe National Development Plan (NDP) which will be in effect until 2026. In this proposal are the objectives of the current administration in areas such as health, economy, environment and other areas. The theme to eradicate violence against the LGBTIQ+ community is also part of it. What does the firm offer?
First, what is proposed in the task to avoid attacks against the LGBTIQ+ community is to create channels and procedures to deal with, investigate and prevent violence. It should be noted that this is the first time that in a National Development Plan a specific guide is established to follow for this.
The PND is harvesting, says the director of Affirmative Caribbean, Wilson Castañeda, “a more holistic concern of citizens regarding the number of cases of violence, presenting itself as preventive, coordinated and with clear actions”. From this information portal, in fact, it is indicated that there is hope that, with this, the state will regulate the historical debt he has with this community which, for years, has suffered all kinds of discriminatory acts.
“We hope that the political will of this government will allow actions that are not covered by the multi-year investment planare carried out in the interest of improving the situation of the rights of persons Country LGBTIreads one of the notes taken in this space.
“Article NATIONAL LGBTIQ+ SYSTEM. The system comprises “a set of policies, instruments, components and processes in order to develop coordinated actions between the different branches of public power, the guarantee of rights and the elimination of scenarios of discrimination against LGBTIQ+ population“, we read in the document presented by the cabinet of Gustavo Petro in Congress.
To this are added two other sections in which the work which is intended to be done from the current administration is exposed. One of them refers to the creation of an environment “Without violence” and about the budgets that will be allocated for that.
The first of these, which directly involves the Judicial power, public ministry and territorial entitiesaims to generate “bodies of national and territorial articulation prevention, attention, investigation and sanction suitable for cases of violence threatening life and physical integrity from diverse LGBTIQ+ populationsas well as the development of coordinated access routes to justice and their articulation with justice. early warnings from the Office of the Ombudsman and the Unified Command Posts for Life”.
The other responds to questions regarding the economic issue. It should be noted that the articles of the Plan provide for a total version which reaches the $1.154 trillion and it will be distributed like this: $138.4 billion for regional convergence; $114.4 billions for productive transformation and climate action; $743.7 billion for issues related to human security and social justice; $46.1 billion for the human right to food; $28 billion for land use planning around water; and 83.4 for macroeconomic stability.
“He Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the National Planning Directorate They will define an LGBTIQ+ budget marker, to identify budget allocations for the LGBTIQ+ population. Investment projects subject to the LGBTIQ+ budget outline will be identified in the Annual Operational Investment Plan,” he underlines.
Around October of last year, from the attorney general’s officeat the head of Francois Barbosait has been reported that in Colombia, from January 2022 to the tenth month of this year, “111 homicides and feminicides occurred against persons qualified as LGBTIQ+ population.
This meant an almost double increase in the figure considering what had happened up to the same period of 2021. For that year, 47 cases. In October 2022, in fact, along with the exposure of the figures, it was reported, by this entity, the existence of a guide “of good practices for the investigation and prosecution of cases of violence against LGBTIQ+ population.
“They will also have a rigorous treatment (…) it is a historically discriminated population and this requires effective protective action mechanisms,” said Colombian Attorney General Francisco Barbosa of Bogotá.