Dengue fever cases at the national level continue to increase and already reach 17,430 infections, up to epidemiological week 8, as reported by the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Disease Control of the Ministry of Health (Minsa). This figure exceeds the cases recorded during the same period in the last four years.

Ucayali intensifies its actions to reduce dengue infections
Children have become the population most vulnerable to this virus, authorities have warned.
In the past week alone, a total of 2,400 new cases have been reported. The areas of the jungle and the north coast are the most affected by this virus transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
Ucayali is the region with the majority of cases, reporting 3,525 cases, followed by Lorette with 3,114 cases, piura with 1,971 infections, Mother of God with 1,681 cases, San Martin with 1,519 cases and Huanuco with 1,327. Only these six regions total 13,135 infections, 76% of cases reported throughout Peru.
The rainy season has intensified in recent weeks in all parts of the country, causing increased river flow, overflows, floods, landslides, rockslides and landslides. In these conditions, the reproduction of the transmitting mosquito is done more easily when searching for containers with accumulated water, produces precipitation.

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In the preliminary results of the samples collected, the etiological agent of rotavirus was identified, which must be confirmed by the INS.
The director of Metaxenics and Zoonoses of the Minsa, Karim Pardoindicated in The Republic newspaper that continuous rains, in addition to climate change, favor the increase in the dengue infection curve.
He explained that 70% of hatcheries nationwide are inside homes, so the cleanliness of containers to store water must be maintained. ”You have to brush it. With this we break the eggs that are stuck together,” he said.

Meanwhile, the rains will continue for the next few days. He National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi) warned that they are expected moderate to heavy rainfall in jungle and sierra regions from Friday March 3 to Sunday March 5, the authorities therefore propose to take preventive measures into account.
The government declared the health emergency due to the increase in dengue cases, valid for 90 calendar days in 59 districts in 13 regions of the country. In this way, it is planned to intensify and accelerate control interventions in the population.

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In Amazonas, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huánuco, Ica, Junín, Lambayeque, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Piura, San Martín and Ucayali, control actions will be carried out in the Action plan presented by the Directorate for the prevention and control of metaxenic diseases and zoonosesand with contributions from the Minsa Dengue Technical Committee.

Main lines of action:
– Active search for fever
– Epidemiological fences to prevent the spread of the virus
– Care of exposed persons
– Increase in the health of the person
– Application of serological and molecular tests
– Larval control
– Fumigation
– Dissemination of preventive measures.
The majority of cases occur in the population between 30 and 59 years old, followed by the group of children between 0 and 11 years old and young people between 18 and 29 years old. The Minsa also indicated that 1,920 patients showed signs of alarm during the development of the disease, while 71 others are in serious condition. Unfortunately 21 people lost their lives because of dengue fever.