The saints are different every day, remember those who were characterized by their good deeds. (GlobeLiveMedia/Jovani Perez)

Decades ago, one could even speak of centuries ago, parents used to assign the first names of their children according to the feasts of the saints of that day, even among Catholics and Orthodox the custom of congratulating people on Your saint’s day. Not in vain in the famous “Mañanitas” there is a stanza that says: “Today, because it’s your birthday, we sing them to you here…”.

He onomastic alludes to the day when a saint is celebrated, although it is common for many people to use it as a synonym for birthday, which is wrong, because when they talk about it, they only allude to the list of holy names.

Like every day of the year, today also commemorates the women and men who stood out for having special connections with the deities, who did good deeds for their neighbors and who had high ethics and morals, reasons that led them to to be canonized or beatified and be among the saints.

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