The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies, Santiago Creil Miranda, responded to the accusations made by the President of the Political Coordination Council (Jucopo) of the Senate of the Republic, Ricardo Montreal Ávila, regarding the absence of his signature for the publication of the Plan B in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), which is why he announced that he had already signed.
Plan B has not been released as Santiago Creel’s signature is missing, Monreal have accused
On the contrary, Senator Gustavo Madero pointed out that the president of Jucopo tries to justify the delay of the federal executive, since Creel has already signed, he pointed out
During a press conference from San Lázaro, the deputy of the National Action Party (PAN) signed the document; however, he justified his delay in the legislative procedure because the letters presumably contained technical constitutional errors originating from the Upper House, that is, several other paragraphs were eliminated.
“I want to show you that it is already subscribed and signed so that it can be immediately sent to the executive, once it has the signature of the president of the Senate and, immediately, it goes to the executive so that he can immediately publish The document was signed this morning, why? There were errors of constitutional technique On the part of the co-legislator, these were surely involuntary errors, but they were errors”, he explained on Tuesday February 28.

The PAN member expanded on what was said and explained that supposedly the Senate not only eliminated Article 12 regarding the eternal life of political parties, but also sand they would have changed paragraphs that could no longer be changed.

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The INE march culminated in strong messages from Beatriz Pagés and José Ramón Cossío against Electoral Reform Plan B
Due to the above, Creel Miranda announced that he had summoned the President of the Political Coordination Council (Jucopo), Ignacio Mier Velazco, whom he urged to summon all the parliamentary coordinators to resolve the situation, which it was ready until tuesday.
Despite the above, the deputy sent a message to the bench of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and asked them to “don’t worry, don’t worry”as he announced that at the time he would present certain actions of unconstitutionality so that the members of the Superior Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) give priority attention to the matter.

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Plan B was approved in the Senate. It is expected to be challenged by the opposition in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation
Finally, Santiago Creel explained that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has 30 days to publish Plan B and warned that, if the matter is not put to the DOF, They will do it in the Chamber of Deputiessince it ruled that the president cannot stop the legislative process.
The PAN member’s remarks came hours after Monreal Ávila, taking advantage of the time spent with the media at the Paseo de la Reforma facilities, urge Creel to sign the document to formalize Plan B.
“We respectfully ask the President of the Chamber of Deputies to sign, as well as his secretary, because the draft had not yet, until yesterday, been sent for publication”
According to the coordinator of the guinda party bench in the upper house, the document has been sent to San Lázaro since last Wednesdayfor which he reminded the deputy that the process ends until the document is also signed by the Mexican President and, subsequently, it is published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
“In the case of the Senate, since Wednesday it has been sent to the Chamber of Deputies to obtain the signature of him (Santiago Creel) and the secretary; be forwarded to the executive for publication. He hasn’t signed us yet and this document has not yet been sent, that is why it has not been published”, were the words mentioned by the morenista.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Senator Gustavo Madero Muñoz refused Monreal Ávila and ruled that Creel Miranda had already signed and would not have to.