A wave of criticism and comments of all kinds has once again swept over Sandra Cuevaswho leads the government from the office of the mayor of Cuauhtémoc in Mexico City, after the controversial decision he made to suspend cultural activities which took place on the esplanade of the Kiosko Morisco located in the district of Santa María la Ribera.

The sonidero was installed in front of the house of Sandra Cuevas but it ended in a confrontation with the authorities
The mayoress of Cuauhtémoc reiterated that it is not allowed to install “sonideros” in the avenue of Santa María La Ribera due to noise pollution
And it is that, under the pretext that the noise disturbed all the inhabitants of the district, the controversial mayor ordered ban “sonideros”a cultural activity that brought together seniors and entire families every Sunday on the esplanade of the park located in the neighborhood where the coalition’s flag bearer currently resides He is going to Mexico.
This decision, added to the removal of the signs of the businesses of the demarcation which governs it, earned Sandra Cuevas an infinity of comments which, for the most part, They criticized his management at the town hall of Cuauhtémoc. However, the special sense of humor of the inhabitants of the capital was also present through the funny and always reliable memes.

According to the statements that Sandra Cuevas made when announcing her controversial measure, she is the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaumresponsible for the fact that for three years a group of sonideros have taken over the Alameda in the neighborhood of Santa María la Ribera irregularly every Sunday with the intention of destabilize his administration.

Sandra Cuevas against the sonideros; collectives accused of being Morena groups sent by Sheinbaum
According to a press release, they have been appearing for three years in the Alameda to destabilize their management in front of the town hall; while the leader of a sonidero says the community has been dancing in the park for over 12 years
“They seek to destabilize with illegal actions such as imposing sonideros in the Morisco Kioskto the detriment of neighbors and residents of the neighborhood,” said the mayor of Cuauhtémoc.
Similarly, the snack standard bearer Pass through Mexico He assured that during four months he asked the “sonidero” to lower the volume of the music, in addition to offering them to be relocated to a house of culture or to Deportivo Cuauhtémoc, however, taking into account of the refusal received the mayor chose to remove them “by the hard way” of the park located in the district of Santa María la Ribera.

Given the order issued by Sandra Cuevas, a group of sonideros called for a peaceful protest last Sunday afternoon in front of the house of the mayor of Cuauhtémoc.

Sandra Cuevas sacked two Cuauhtémoc officials for attacks on protesters
Given the decision to cancel the sonideros at the Kiosco Morisco in Santa María La Ribera, a group of people demonstrated in front of the mayor’s house
This is how the inhabitants of the demarcation took to the streets to start dancing while others played Latin rhythms in the background. Although the demonstrators enjoyed their activity, it took a few minutes to staff from the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office arrived on the scene to put out the noise and violently evict the people dancing in front of the Kiosko Morisco park.
Between shouts and jostling, the demonstration was repressed, a situation which generated great indignation on social networks where users attacked Sandra Cuevas.
In this respect and after the controversy triggered, the Mayor of Cuauhtémoc declared on the morning of this Tuesday, February 21 that at the end of his term would retire from Mexican politics which he called “disgusting”.

Sandra Cuevas mentioned that “I had never been in politics and today that I am in politics, I see why the country is not moving forward. Politics is disgusting, Mexican politics is disgusting… I aspire to nothing but to finish my period wellto do everything possible correctly,” he said in an interview with On the radio.
In the same way, the mayor of Cuauhtémoc, who took office in October 2021, assured that she had discovered that in politics 80% “are dedicated to doing pure fuss, pure gossip and I don’t like itI like to work, to give results,” he said.
It will be a matter of time to know if Sandra Cuevas will again hold a position in the public administration of Mexico, in the meantime, His name and memes continue to garner attention on social media.