Moscow, February 19. The Russian Progress MS-21 cargo ship, which was scheduled to deorbit on Saturday after undocking from the International Space Station (ISS), finally did so on Sunday and disintegrated over the Pacific Ocean, the report reported. Russian space agency Roscosmos.

“Today, Progress MS-21 was desorbed, reentered the atmosphere and disintegrated. Unburnt elements of its structure fell into the non-navigable zone of the South Pacific Ocean,” the report said. agency in a press release.

The day before, Roscosmos suddenly stopped the deorbit process to further analyze the photographs the cosmonauts had taken of the outer surface of the spacecraft after undocking from the ISS.

The Progress MS-21 had recently suffered a depressurization in the thermal control system.

However, no visual damage was detected on the exterior surface.

It was on the 11th that a drop in pressure was detected on board the cargo ship, which joined the spacecraft in October last year to bring the astronauts 2.5 tons of water, fuel and food. ECE


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