Journalist Marina Ovsyannikova, known to the world news after her speech during the Russian news, begins to fear for her safety and that of her family. Ovsyannikova is well aware that in Russia there is a strong repression against journalists who oppose Vladimir Putin .

Russia journalist Marina Ovsyannikova is afraid

His statements were released after the first “free” interview with Marina Ovsyannikova. Her words were reported by Sky who quoted Reuters. The Russian journalist begins to seriously fear for the safety of her and her children. After her demonstration on the main Russian state TV, the woman was detained for 14 hours , sanctioned and then released. Marina Ovsyannikova, despite her fears, said that she will not leave her homeland with the hope of not facing an indictment for her protest.

The protest of Marina Ovsyannikova

Marina Ovsyannikova became famous for her protest which took place live on Channel One , the main television broadcaster of the Russian Federation. The journalist showed herself to the whole world with a poster condemning the war started by President Vladimir Putin against Ukraine. Immediately after her raid on live TV, Ovsyannikova disappeared for hours and everyone feared the worst in her. Fortunately, the woman reappeared on March 15, 2022 and now she faces up to 15 years in prison due to the strict and unjust Russian censorship laws.

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