Madrid, March 2. The public company RTVE won this Thursday the International Prize of the King of Spain for Environmental Journalism 2023 for the report “Living Soils”, broadcast by Televisión Española on June 16.

It is a work by Eduardo Laplaza García (director), Marisol Soto (screenplay) and Francesc Tomas (director), from the environmental program “El escarabajo verde”.

The award-winning Spanish public television production focuses on regenerative agriculture and how, by keeping soils alive, biodiversity, soil moisture and carbon storage are preserved, among other benefits in times of extreme heat and long drought, like last summer in Spain.

The jury considered it to be an original work, “very positive”, of “high quality”, “very powerful” and which “saves the elementary” of the subject.

The King of Spain International Journalism Awards, the most prestigious in the Ibero-American sphere, have been awarded annually since 1983 and were created by the EFE Agency and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Aecid) .

In this edition, the president of the EFE Agency, Gabriela Cañas, chaired the jury, and Antón Leis, director of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (Aecid), assumed the vice-presidency.

The purpose of these awards is to recognize the information work of Spanish and Portuguese language journalism professionals from the states that make up the Ibero-American Community of Nations and nations with which Spain maintains ties of a historical nature and relations. culture and cooperation. .

They are promoting the best journalism in the two major Iberian international languages, Spanish and Portuguese, and they do so in a geographical cultural space that covers all continents, promoting the highest quality of the journalistic profession in Latin America.

In addition to the economic endowment of 10,000 euros – an amount that places them at Pulitzer level – the winners will receive from the King of Spain, Felipe VI, a sculpture by the Spanish artist Joaquín Vaquero Turcios. EFE


(Picture / Video)

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