Ricardo Lorenzetti

The judge Ricardo Lorenzetti presented today in Ushuaia at Eartha development of Artificial Intelligence focused on the environmental activism. It was part of the project “The new enemy: environmental collapse. Economic, social and political changes and institutional regenerationwhere Lorenzetti, an expert in environmental law for years, insists on preventing disasters rather than reacting to the damage already caused.

Terra’s function is to warn and raise awareness of the need to fight against the new enemy, materialized in pandemics, fires, extinction of plant and animal species, lack of drinking water and pollution of rivers, among others. As well as demanding that political powers at all levels adopt state policies that protect the environment, added to the need to achieve gender equality, respect for biological and cultural diversity.

“We must be aware that we are in a end of cycle of a way of doing economics, a way of behaving in society, a way of thinking about governance. We live in a time of disenchantment. Citing the polls given to us in our country and around the world, we see that real people, those who live hand to mouth, are increasingly distant and disillusioned with institutions and what they can do,” Lorenzetti traced the panorama.

Analyzing the changes from the industrial revolution to the present day, the magistrate mentioned several macro trends: “There is more impurity, more contamination, more imbalance, fewer ideas of progress and more homogeneity. All in a context of brutal acceleration. Because life 50 years ago was different, it was slow”.

“If we see this, we will truly understand why there is an end to the cycle and why political systems are not working, not only in Argentina but in the world. We live in an institutional phase where what exists is the occupation of spaces and permanent disputes, there is no evolution or process. Added to this are environmental disasters. All of this causes poverty, inequality,” the critic insisted.

In this context, Lorenzetti spoke of the need to “reactbecause history in a few years will wonder why all those most affected by this situation did nothing.

For this, he offers focus on sustainable development: “In the economy there is a very significant global change because the financial system and international trade require compliance with environmental clauses. It is an economic change of enormous magnitude as was the industrial revolution. We must therefore work on sustainable products. If we don’t change, we won’t be able to sell everything we produce. Argentina has a huge opportunity”.

“There is a new enemy which is failure, decadence, environmental collapse and, above all, the younger part of society. If we continue like this, the boys will have no future. environmental catastrophe affects us all, it makes no sense for us to continue to fight and argue on a sinking ship. Let’s be responsible, think of a unifying discourse. This governance must change, we cannot continue to do the same thing”, he reaffirmed in his thesis and called “fighting for environmental idealism”.

Precisely, on the basis of this “new conception of the economy, society and politics turned towards the future”, Terra asks the rulers to Do not be pressured by the economic powers that sacrifice the future of Argentines: “We want sustainable development and a sustainable future because wealth is only possible if there is equal distribution and non-renewable resources are respected.”

Judge Ricardo Lorenzetti presented at Ushuaia Terra, an innovative artificial intelligence development focused on environmental activism

The presentation of Terra has been added to the other actions of the campaign “The New Enemy”. One of them took place in Corrientes and consisted in the creation of a center for the collection of indigenous seeds to reforest 40,000 hectares of mountains destroyed by the fires.

There was even a Plantable Seeds activation that had more than 600 activists on the streets, in an effort to increase the city’s green spaces to bring down the ambient temperature. was also organized “Innovation, inclusion and environment conferences” in the Iguazú National Park in Misiones.

The event, which began shortly after 4:00 p.m., took place at the Talent Factory headquarters. There, Lorenzetti was accompanied by federal and provincial judges, environmental activists and union representatives, among others. The first speakers were the judge of the Superior Court of Justice of the province of Tierra del Fuego, Javier Dario Muchnikand the Secretary General of the Union of Justice Employees of the Nation, Julio Plumato.

Then there was an exhibition of Justice and Environment with the presence of the federal judge and specialist in environmental criminal law, Ariel Lijo; the former minister of the STJ of the province of Santa Cruz, Enrique Osvaldo Peretti; the judge of the Court of Appeal in civil, commercial and labor matters of Rafaela and professor of the specialization in environmental law of the UBA, Paul Lorenzetti; and the Secretary of Civil and Commercial Court No. 1, Southern Judicial District, Valeria Rossi. The panel was moderated by the President of the Latin American Confederation of Judicial Workers, Ariel Pringle.

Continue reading:

Ricardo Lorenzetti: “We can’t change the law every two years, that’s what we’re talking about, not income tax”
Ricardo Lorenzetti: “The Internet has changed the limits of space and time in law”
Ricardo Lorenzetti: “Legal certainty interests the employer but also the worker and the middle class”

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