Rebecca Jones reappeared on her social media after about three months of announcing his temporary retirement from the world of theater following health problems to share his return to the cinema. And it is that before being hospitalized in emergency due to pulmonary failure that led to pneumonia, she starred in a film with Fiona Palomo and Memo Villegas.
It is Nothing to seean audiovisual project whose premiere took place in the first days of March 2023. Precisely for this reason Rebecca Jones reappeared at a private event to enjoy a screening in the company of her colleagues, where photos were been taken that she did not hesitate to share with your subscribers on social networks.

These images have gone viral, but not because of the film itself, but because of the appearance of Rebecca Jones. And it is that the native of Mexico has raised the alarm among her fans for appearing visibly thinner compared to the last scenes she recorded for Cape, -a soap opera Television which he gave up after his hospitalization in November 2022-.
“All my life I have admired her work and her beauty and it makes me sad that she is so thin.” “Great actress, my favorite ‘to love again’ lady!! Complete recovery for your first actress! “She’s a queen!!! God heal her very soon.” “Health and long life!” God restores full health to all who suffer from any disease,” some users wrote on instagram.

Due to the countless comments she received about her thinness, Rebecca Jones took to her instagram to post all the photos you’ve taken with your peers and send a powerful message about your current health.
“How nice to know that so many people love me!!! And what a great way to show it to me. Since I couldn’t attend the premiere of NOTHING TO SEE, Jacobo Nazar @jaynazar and @videocine hosted my own private premiere with popcorn and all,” he began.
I have invited the people I love the most, some for my whole life, others only in a few months, but all of them have been with me in these months that have been so difficult to bear. And they continue with me, especially now that we see the glow of perfect health, that longed-for light of hope.

Recebba Jones recognized that luck más delgada, pero aseguró that es resultado del problema de salud que enfrentó a finals de4 2022 y continúa enfrentado en la actualidad: “Ya se que estoy muy delgada, pero bien dice Saint-Exuperie: lo esencial es invisible a the eyes. (And believe me, 8 days in ICU will make anyone slimmer, I’ll get them back) but that’s the least of my worries right now. I only know that every day I’m stronger and healthier.”
And no, I’m not asking for a miracle like some say, because I know God is ALWAYS with me, no. I also don’t “fight” because we all struggle day in and day out to live (at least I think that’s how it should be). What I do is enjoy every second of life, try its delights, its bittersweet moments, learn beautiful and less beautiful things. Think nice things.
The actress concluded her post with a very special request for all her fans and social media users: “If you read me and you like me, don’t pity me, because it’s closer to lamenting, to moaning, and I’m very, very far from that. Rather think of beautiful things, so that these thoughts become magic dust, materialize and a huge and collective magical thought is made!!!! “.