Rebecca Writens again referred to the luxurious birthday party that Jefferson Farfan arranged for his 15-year-old son, whom he harshly criticized on his show. However, in the edition of Friday, February 17, the host of ‘america watchHe changed his tune and praised the ex-footballer for pampering the teenager.
The host of ‘Magaly TV: La Firme’ commented that the athlete can give his little one everything he wants because it is the product of his efforts.
“I stepped in to comment and I always do so from a very humble position, like a mum. I had the doublespeak that we all, absolutely all have. I saw the footage and said ‘yacht for a fifteen-year-old boy?’ But if you think about it from another place, ‘what does Rebeca care about what Farfán does with his children?’ “, he commented at the beginning.
According Rebecca WritensAfter reflecting on what he has said in the past, he realized that “everyone gives their children what they want”.
“For this he removes dirt while working and he himself said so, responding a little to the note we passed. I’m sure Melissa and Farfán do it with their children. Why not celebrate your birthday They celebrate life.”
Rebeca Escribns praised Jefferson Farfán, despite his initial criticism.
The TV host added that she had criticized Jefferson Farfan because “they didn’t give him the information about the yacht”, because he also wants to celebrate his birthday and that of his children in the same way.

Jefferson Farfán defends himself against criticism for a luxurious yacht party with his 15-year-old son
The historic Alianza Lima footballer has expressed his disgust at the negative comments he received after throwing a party for his son Adriano in Miami.
Finally, she revealed that the former athlete is angry with her for not responding to her messages. Despite this, he sends her a final message to smooth over their differences: “I have no doubt, my dear Jefferson Farfan, that your children are perfectly educated. Just like you take them to Aguadulce, why put them back on a yacht on their next birthday?
Jefferson Farfán celebrated his son’s birthday on a yacht.
Before changing her mind, the TV host didn’t agree with the luxurious party she was throwing Jefferson Farfan for his 15 year old son. For Rebeca Escribns, teenagers “must learn to value every penny their parents spend” on them.

The criticism that Jefferson Farfán received for celebrating his son’s birthday on a yacht and the athlete’s ironic response
The footballer celebrated his son’s birthday on a yacht, a fact that many didn’t like as it seemed superficial. Criticism and defense of the athlete.
“If you want him to know how to get what he wants with effort, don’t give him everything you don’t have. Teach them to always be humble, sometimes it is not good to give material things to our children. Simplicity above all”, was the advice he gave a few days ago to the ex-footballer.
It didn’t take long for the ‘Foquita‘ I replied sarcastically. “Now I’m looking for a canoe, let’s see if that way they stop fucking and talking so much bullshit. So now everyone in Lima knows this, don’t take your kids on a yacht because you have to first educate them and teach them how to win things, so that they are humble. In other words, I played for 20 years for h…”, he pointed out through his social networks.
Not happy Jefferson Farfan He did an Instagram show to make sure that after vacationing with his youngest son in Miami, he would take him to Chorrillos. “Come hear (water), come on Adriano. I have to educate you! And from there I have to teach you the values. I’m going to take you to La Herradura, to the fishermen so that they don’t don’t deny,” he quips.
Photo: Instagram.